All Posts by Sheryl Silbaugh

Fountain of Knowledge

“Some drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle.”

Thanks to Angel Energy for the quote – it is so true. Acknowledge that acting on the knowledge which is the most important part. The knowledge doesn’t do anything for us if we are not motivated to take action to change and improve. We all need to “be” the change ourselves that we want for the world!


“Just because you made a mistake doesn’t mean you are a mistake.” – Georgette Mosbacher

We are far too hard on ourselves when we screw up. Remember we are all human, and the only reason that you think others are better and smarter is because you don’t know all of the mistakes that they have made. We all need to get over ourselves and love ourselves as much as we do others.


“True education is to learn how to think, not what to think. If you know how to think, if you really have that capacity, then you are a free human being—free of dogmas, superstitions, ceremonies” – J. Krishnamurti

Test everything you read, see, and hear; have an open mind and heart, but don’t be blind to what isn’t truth.

Lost and Found

“When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found.” – Sufism

When you look back in hind sight what you most often find is that loss was a great gift and that is why the spirit laughs for it knows that you are receiving a great treasure.

My Creed

Adapted from My Creed by Dean Alfange:
I do not choose to be common. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek opportunity, not security. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream, to build, to fail & succeed. I will not trade freedom for a handout. I will never cower before any bully. It is my duty to stand unafraid, to think & act for myself, enjoy the benefits of my creations & to say, “This I have done.”


What I couldn’t do yesterday has nothing to do with what I can accomplish today. Learn to love the fear and the limitations, because what is resisted persists. By loving it we can move past the limitations and fears of yesterday and accomplish far more than we think we can today.


Knowledge is like a garden tool. Our life is the soil in front of us. What we do with that tool or how we use the knowledge determines what grows or dies in our lives. If we put the tool on the shelf and don’t use it, whatever comes into our life won’t be weeded out or nurtured, so it won’t grow to its full potential. We have in front of us the ground of discovery, so lets get out the tools & see what we can grow!


Compassion is “come” “pass” “on” – come and pass beyond. I really liked that one, because when we excercise compassion we are allowing whatever is happening to pass beyond us, the water off a ducks back.
Our vibrations consists of the combining of our thoughts, beliefs, interactions and memories. What we are vibrating from determines how much we are receiving from source. One thought can bring us a step higher.


“Courage is fear that has said its prayers” – American Proverb

In the end we have to take a leap into the unknown trusting we will be given wings to fly. We would not have been given the gifts that we have if we weren’t supposed to use them. We fail to give thanks or show appreciation if we don’t use them. So widen out your box today by stepping outside of the boundaries & more of yourself.


“People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass themselves by without wondering.”—St. Augustine

Don’t be afraid to accept your brilliance & stop belittling it. Each of us have gifts that we take for granted, stop a moment to say thank you for your gift that is you.


Challenges are just adventures and adventures are those things that seem hard while they are happening, but later they make the best “remember when this happened ….?” stories. The kind of stories that we laugh at and have a great time telling. So remember today when you have a challenge that is frustrating you or seems to hard, that someday this will make a great story and plow through it!


“You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay? Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

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