Do you feel a constant calling to shift and change?

You don't understand it, yet at a deeper level you know that this is why you were born and you have to go for it!
Passion & Purpose
Passion is the fire that lights the way to purpose. It is the root system of our tree of life. The human soul on fire is the most powerful force on earth. Purpose is the reason you are on this journey of life. It is the foliage and fruit of your tree, how you express yourself in the world.
Hero’s Journey
Hero’s take journeys deep within to discover the hidden treasures of themselves. In exploring the labyrinth of ourselves we uncover our own deeper powers, and approach the edges of our own glory. The journey always changes you, whether or not you know it or want it to.
Personal Genius
There are over 40 different kinds of hammers. Personal Genius is discovering what kind of “hammer” you were designed to be. However ...if you want to uncover what your personal genius is, you need to discover what kind of hammer you were designed to be.
When you take action in your life it brings up your personal shadows to keep you from changing. Learning how to improvise ...enables you to identify the changing chameleon of fear. shake off the fear and see the beauty ...of what you are capable of doing and being.