Walk Away – Not From Pride Or Arrogance, But Because That Door No Longer Leads Somewhere You Can Live
We all stand at the threshold of a great adventure every day. It can be a scary place, because we all have our individual self doubts. We have to unlearn the programming that says it is selfish to put ourselves first. It is not selfish to love ourselves, to take care of ourselves, and make our own happiness a priority. As they say on every airplane takeoff, in case of emergency, put your own oxygen mask on first, then you can help others.
Every soul is beautiful and precious; is worthy of dignity and respect, and deserving of peace, joy, and love.
– Bryant McGill
You cannot change what is going on around you, until you start changing what is going on inside of you. We need to put on that oxygen mask, so we can take stock of what inside of us is not working. We need to let go of what is not ours to fix, put up with, or allow to continue happening.
We are all born with a purpose and a passion. It is up to you to seek out that purpose and find your passion.
– Billy Cox
We are fragile human beings who can be destroyed by another’s words or actions. If we are not being treated with love and respect, we need to see what value we have assigned to ourselves. The people that we surround ourselves with are a reflection of how we view ourselves. We need to get off the “reduced last chance sale rack”, and get inside the fancy glass case where the precious jewels are displayed.
You are determining the future you every day. Will the decisions you make today lead you closer to the person you want to be tomorrow?
– Brenna Smith
How many times for example has someone said, “Where to you want to go to dinner?” and your answer was that you didn’t know or didn’t care. You do know what you feel like eating, but somehow, you always say, “it doesn’t matter, what you do want?” The scriptures say something like, he who is faithful in little things, is faithful in bigger things. What it is talking about is the principle of patterns. What you do in the big things has been formed by the habits of what you do in the little things. The habit of always putting others before you, started in the smaller things, like what do you want for dinner.
Be authentic! Don’t lower your dreams to fit it with others. If people can’t celebrate your dreams, they are probably not your friends.
– Phineas Kinuthia
We may be afraid that no one will listen to us, so why speak. We may be terrified that they will laugh at our dreams and say they are unattainable. We fear being judged as unworthy, not enough. We don’t want to be all alone and so we abdicate our life away, so that we will be accepted and fit in. This is the story that we tell ourselves so that we don’t have to change.
Instead we can start making choices that feed us, energize us. We can choose to be unstoppable. To be bigger than any worries that are buzzing around us. Those buzzing worries are just scenario’s that no longer serve to build us up. Release what is no longer serving you. Open the window shooing the fly to go buzz its way outside.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do, is also the right thing to do.
The universe is always speaking to us . . . sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more.
– Nancy Thayer
You are more than you have shown yourself to be so far. You are more than you have been willing to see. You are stronger than you know. Trust your intuition and live a courageous life.
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self respect leads to self discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.
– Clint Eastwood
Today is the day to get up and walk down your sacred path. Choose to dwell in divine possibility. Awaken to the divine guidance that has been sending you messages. Believe in the divine plan, that you are more capable than you ever dreamed. Remember that you will never had to sacrifice your dignity for your destiny. If it feels like that is the choice, then your intuition is telling you to pass that choice by.
Be not the slave of your own past – plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience, that shall explain and overlook the old.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
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