Just Because My Path Is Different, Doesn’t Mean I’m Lost
It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
– Diane Grant
When we try to walk down another persons road, it leads to disillusionment and disappointment. That is because it isn’t “our” road. In the book “The Pilgrimage”, Paulo Coelho said that:
It is our decision to walk, that creates the road ahead of us.
– Paulo Coelho
Trying to explain to someone what our personal truth is for the path we are walking, is like trying to explain rocket science to a baby. It isn’t that the baby will never understand rocket science. It is that the baby isn’t yet developed enough to understand. We can’t explain our path to someone who isn’t yet at that same stage of their own truth. It will only create misunderstandings, miscommunications, and lots of frustration. Even we sometimes can’t put into words the necessity for why we have to do something. We just know that we have to do it. It has to do with our being conscious and open minded enough to realize when we are being directed. It has to do with our acceptance of that direction, even when we don’t know why.
It takes courage to keep walking when the path is obscured by confusion. TRUST. BELIEVE. And just keep walking. The way will be revealed.
– Sue Krebs
It is both being courageous and having curiosity, that keeps us forging ahead on the path. It is the journey itself, that grows us as a person. It is our attitude about what happens. It molds us either for our greater good, or for living out life disappointed as a victim of circumstances and bad luck. It is the difference between knowing what you need to do, and doing what needs to be done. It is easy to get the knowledge, but the wisdom only comes from putting that knowledge into action. It can’t just be “book learning”, it also has to be married to “learning in action”.
Getting lost along your path is part of finding the path you are meant to be on.
– Robin S. Sharma
It has been said that it’s never about obtaining the “goal”. It is rather about who you need to become, to achieve the goal. There are many different roads to walk. They go through many different landscapes. It could be a forest path, with giant trees that shadow the land. It could be through sand dunes and along beaches. It could be a path of a river which sometimes meanders slowly, and other times rushes through rapids crushing you against the rocks, and then dumps you down a waterfall. It could be the hot desert or the frozen tundra. Each path will require different skillsets in order for you to become the master of your journey. Different clothing, different shoes, different temperatures to be endured. Different equipment from ropes, boats, sleds etc. . . . It is always your choice of where you step, and which path(s) your choose. If you don’t like the first road you chose, move over to a new one.
You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.
– Marianne Williamson
It is always our decision to skip and sing our way along the yellow brick road, or to whine, complain, dragging our feet as we ask “are we there yet”? Are you standing in your own truth? Are you walking your own path? Is your heart guiding you? Look for the opportunities to better understand the journey. Look for the helpers to guide us on our path. The destination or outcome of our journey isn’t what is important. It is who we are becoming, what we are actually doing that makes us successful.
I have always loved the saying, “It’s not the destination,… it’s the journey”. This is because the path we choose is our journey. It is where we live our life. It is all of life’s experiences. The good, bad, and the ugly. The messy parts, as well as the glorious adventures. We can see treasures every single day, if we just take the time to notice them. Life goes on, it moves on. It does it regardless of whether we are saying yes to our destiny or running the other way. Since the path to happiness lies in the direction of our destiny, why not say yes? Choose happiness.
Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?
– Garth Nix
Along the way, we live life out loud. We can choose to taste and savor the experiences that that journey brings to us. The more that we can reach out in happiness, joy, and just plain exuberance, the richer our life is. The destination is simply a road sign. A sign that we made it to “X”. Then we begin planning a new destination or goal. It’s all about the road we choose, the path we forge. Who we are becoming. What we reveal and release that is not truly who we are at heart.
By choosing the path, we choose the destination.
– Thomas Monson
Have you ever heard the saying, “you can’t go home again”? The reason why is that while you were away, you changed. You look at things differently. You think that everything changed. But in reality it was you who changed. The house you lived in as a small child, suddenly looks much smaller – the house didn’t change size – but your way of looking at the world changed. We are all far from who we once were, and we are still farther from whom we are growing into. What is really scary is when you go home again, and see those who haven’t changed. They haven’t even put on foot onto their path. They are still stuck back five, ten, or twenty years ago with the same victimhood mentality. They are caution signs to keep walking on your path.
One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.
– Henry Miller
So cast off the bowlines. Sail out of the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds and see where they take you. Remember that you are always only one decision away from a totally different life. Embrace the journey and it will love you back. Trust your journey, even when you don’t understand where destiny is taking you. It could just be the biggest, most juiciest trip of your life.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
– Rumi
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