Sending Love Wherever It Is Needed
We all have those days. The days when nothing is seeming to go the way you planned. That day when every mistake you made in the past year, shows up on your desk within 5 minutes of your sitting down. Those days when you feel that the very idea of being able to control anything in your life, is life’s great joke on you.
“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all, or by having everything happen at once” – Paulo Coelho
If you could see what was being hidden in each of our lives, I think that you would be more loving to one another. There is a video that was done, where little thought bubbles come up as the camera goes down the halls and elevators in a hospital. Someone is saying goodbye to their dying father. One man was just told the tumor was benign, while another was told he has cancer. An elderly woman with oxygen has been waiting for a heart transplant for 69 days. An exhausted nurse is at the end of a 12 hour shift. “
Those are the days when you need someone to hug you and say, “You are Good Enough. You are Capable of Handling this. You are Important. You are more than Worthy. You are LOVED. You are NOT ALONE.” These are the days that you need all of the light and love that the world can send you. What you have to remember, is that at this very moment, someone in the world is either sending you that love, or is in need of you to send that love.
“Could a greater miracle take place, than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?” – Henry David Thoreau
It is when you are living your life from the place of passion and purpose, that you shine the brightest. Knowing that your deepest dreams can be reached. It is when you take that deep breath, and just let the emotions flow out of you, that you can reset yourself. It is hard to be loving and empathetic when you are in survival mode. You need to give yourself the oxygen mask, reset your emotions and then help others. Find that spark inside of you, and let it shine first for you. Then shine it for others to help them find theirs.
Recently driving into work, I was playing a CD with healing sounds. A friend of mine knew that I have been having some health issues, and thought it might help. So I purchased it and have been playing it all week.
I realized that every area in almost everyone’s life right now is undergoing some issues. Work layoffs; health issues; injustices in life, and just watching the news can make you a little stressed out about how everything is in a negative place right now.
Writing these posts and finding the “good news” articles and videos is what keeps my feet walking down my path of transformation. It is keeping me sane. It is why I write, and why I want to share what I find with all of the other LemonadeMakers out there.
“Remember . . . the entrance to the sanctuary is within you” – Rumi
Then you add in everything negative happening with the war in Ukraine, fighting in politics between the parties, terrorists’ attacks; the workplace and school shootings, countries at war within their own borders, or threatening to make war on other countries – it can all feel overwhelming.
None of these problems have easy solutions. I think that we are all being called by the Divine to wake up. To be the love and light that the world needs to heal. We all need to heal in some way.
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you with leaving happier” – Mother Teresa
When you lift someone else up, it automatically lifts you up. As the saying goes, “you rise by lifting others”. It is not dependent on the other person appreciating your showing them love. It is not dependent on it being reciprocated back to you. It could even be ignored. It will still lift both of you up.
This is because your showing love to others means that you are actively involved in the growth and support of another person. Right now, you may not be in a place of being able to offer a refugee a place to stay. You may not be in a place to donate money to help support someone in need. But you are always in a place of showing love to someone. Even if it is just a smile and a small prayer that love light their way forward. You are always able to shine out the love and light to others.