Consciousness Means Being Present To The Unfolding Of Your Life
Dear Beautiful you,
You must not be afraid to start a new chapter . . . , Yes, new beginnings can be scary, endings can be difficult, but your life is meant to be lived and your story is still unfolding . . . , So go ahead and turn the page . . . , Your next chapter is waiting – Heather Stillufsen
Your stories are in a continuous unfolding. In fact, your life is unfolding exactly as it should be.
There is always a new stretch of road ahead of you. It is up to you to continue the journey.
Sometimes you pull off into a rest stop. You need a break, to rest and take care of your body. You need to give yourself time to breathe, to love, to reflect, to be present to what is.
It is important not to get so bound up in what you are seeking, that you forget to give yourself and those around you, a love of life itself.
Loving your life is about trusting your instinct, taking chances, and learning through experiences. It’s a long time journey through the confusion. Live consciously in the moment and enjoy your life as it unfolds – The Coach (
You might pull off on an exit that promises you a good meal and the needed fuel for your vehicle. You might take the scenic route to enjoy more of the beauty of the land you are traveling through. I think of the scenic route as being the opportunity to see where life is taking you.
To be able to see all of the awakening opportunities that are around every new corner. Nothing is worse than passing a door of opportunity, only to realize that it really was “a once in a lifetime” experience.
I used to live north of Los Angeles and most of my siblings live up the coast in Monterey/Santa Cruz area. The fastest way to drive up and see them is to take the I-5 up to Pacheco Pass and cross over to the coast there. The drive once over the LA mountains is not very pretty. It is miles of flat land, with some areas that are farmed, but mostly just dry dirt. There is also a town where the cows are waiting to be slaughtered and you can smell it for miles and miles – it makes you want to swear off ever eating meat again.
So, unless I am under real time constraints, I choose to go up the 101, which runs along the coast through wine country. It is a beautiful drive. It takes a little longer, but the drive is so much nicer. If you were driving up the 101 through wine country, you might want to pull off and visit some wineries, watch the waves roll in from the Pacific Ocean, or take in a tourist attraction.
The unfolding of your life is what you make of what happens for you. I firmly believe that life happens for me, not to me. It isn’t solid, cast in concrete.
It is rather like sand, that can be molded into whatever strikes your fancy. It changes. If you don’t like the way it is looking, you can make a minor change or clear off the table and start over.
But at some point, no matter where or why you pulled off the road, you will want to get back onto the road again, because you have a destination you want to reach. No one lives at an “I-5 Rest Stop”, as the destination of their life journey. You don’t stop for fuel and stay at the Shell Station for the rest of your life. And while it might seem like a good idea, you don’t live at the winery, unless you are the owners or workers at the winery.
Life is not a destination; it’s a journey. It’s not a series of goals; it’s a series of steps, of events unfolding as you make your way. Life is not all about accomplishment; it’s all about doing, participating, progressing, growing, learning – Mike Hernacki
You trust in your higher power for guidance. You trust that wherever you are in your journey, it is where you are supposed to be. Every one of life’s lemons that you have received, had a learning contained within. It might be something that becomes evident to you, while you are within the experience. Conversely, It might take years to reveal itself.
A green walnut is really hard to crack – it takes intense force to open it, and if you are successful, the insides are not good to eat. But if you wait until it has matured, (turned brown) you can open it with a simple tap and eat the tasty nut meat that is inside.
Our experiences are sometimes like that walnut, you need to wait until it is ready to be opened in order to receive its gift.
If you find yourself driving down a dirt road of dusty flat land feeling totally disenchanted, you are the only person who can turn in a new direction.
Allow grace to lead you back into being in love with life. Don’t resist. Surrender to what is, not what you are pushing to make it be. Trust in the divine to lead you back to your true destination. Trust the journey. Trust yourself to live your true life, not the shadow of one.
It always, always, always come back to self-love and self-trust.
So trust the process of your life unfolding, and know with certainty, through the peaks and valleys of your journey, that your soul rests safe and secure in the arms of God – Dan Millman