Humor Can Get You Through Almost Anything

Let's see, which emotional issues shall I bury under deep layers of sarcasm today_Have you ever had that really close friend?  The kind that you can say anything to?  You know, how when you are really, really mad at your boyfriend or spouse, and you just want to kill them – and you tell all to your best friend, and she says something like – where should we hide the body?  “Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.”  LOL.  I love my girlfriends.  They not only let me bleed out all of my frustration about what is currently wrong in my life, they jump right in with more wit and sarcasm.  By the end of the conversation all is right in my world again.  Humor can get you to the other side of almost any heartache.

We need people in our lives that will serve as sounding boards for us.  They allow us to vent out what is wrong, so that we don’t bury it under deep levels of sarcasm.  “Bestfriend, the one you can get mad at for only a short period because you have important stuff to tell them.”  Unknown.  When we don’t have a way to work through and release the hurtful things said or done to us, we tend to bury the hurt.  Then either that person or someone we don’t fully trust not to hurt us makes a comment, not intended to hurt.  But, because we have the buried wound, it does hurt.  “Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip”  Winston Churchill  What can happen then with sarcasm is it becomes unbalanced, in that it becomes a reflective action, in which we hit back before they can hurt us.  Having that someone that we can talk to, and tell them everything that is on our minds, is what helps us to keep out thoughts, mind and hearts in balance. 

The last few months of my mom’s life, humor was necessary and required.  We had friends and relatives coming from all over the U.S, Canada and even Germany so say goodbye to my mom.  She had the most powerful hugs and a laugh that you could hear at the other end of the stadium.  She could walk into a room of strangers and walk out knowing everyone and their life history.  She once went on a trip by herself to Taiwan, Hong Kong and had a blast.  Even though she could only speak English, she managed to make life long friends with people who didn’t speak English.  As people came to visit, they would out of habit ask, “How are you?”  Then they would be mortified because they asked it of a woman who had only weeks to live and was on morphine for the pain of lung cancer.  So we got these t-shirts and would wear them almost every day, which said “Really I’m Fine” with a picture of a black and white cow laying on its back with all four legs straight up in the air. The humor of the shirt helped everyone be ok with what was happening. “I’m not a smartass…, I am a skill, trained professional in pointing out the obvious and I speak fluent sarcasm” Minion Quote  

“Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself”  Unknown.  Do you remember a scene in a movie, where the good guy is in deep trouble.  No way out.  And then they say something designed to tick off the bad guy, and you hold your breath and then the bad guy laughs and the whole scene shifts?  Do something that makes people present their best selves to everyone they meet.  Risk being seen, in all of your glory, not hiding a single refraction of your light.  Don’t just hope for the best.  Hope walks through the fire, faith leaps over the fire.    What you don’t know, but hope for, is what is killing your dreams from coming into reality.  The reason why faith leaps over the fire, is that it is the assured expectation of a reality not yet beheld.  It doesn’t just “HOPE”  it might happen or be possible.  “FAITH” knows that it is already done and waiting for you.

“It’s been a rough week, but on a positive note…, I didn’t need any bail money and didn’t have to hide any bodies”  Minion Quote.  Heartbreaks happen to all of us, but don’t let anyone break your soul.  Realize that a bad attitude is like a flat tire.  You have the choice to change it and go places, or sit there and have a pity party.  If you think about it, every strong person that you have read about or know personally had things go wrong in their life.  Usually a lot of things, that is why you think that they are a strong person.  Michelangelo in creating the statue David, removed more of the marble block as waste. than what remained when the statue was completed.  What we go through in life, removes all of the parts of us that are not needed.  When the divine is finished with us, what remains is a work of art.

And if nothing else gets you moving remember how many people you still have to prove wrong.  Lol 

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Sheryl Silbaugh

I am married with 4 grown children who are all married and currently have 14 grandchildren and two great granddaughters. I work fulltime as a Director at Bank of America and I am the founder of, which is a website and Facebook page dedicated to personal transformation and growth. We all have life's lemons show up in our life, this website helps us to make them into lemonade.