Be The Drop, The Ripple, That Shifts The World
“No one in the world was ever you before, with your particular gifts and abilities and possibilities” – Joseph Campbell
At conception you were granted a “stone”, a sacred life purpose, that you are to “cast across the waters”. That stone’s purpose is to create many ripples. Those ripples begin to change you from the moment of casting that stone. The ripples created also impact many others. As you cast that stone you set out on the journey of discovering and living your life purpose.
As you walk that path, it shifts and changes both you and the world in some way. This is because you are impacted by everyone else’s ripples. Each ripple touches and changes the other ripples.
For each stone that is cast or not cast, there is a change in the water. It doesn’t matter if you are someone who is hoarding their stone afraid to cast them, or you are one who grabs the courage and risks casting your own “stone” or life purpose. There is always an impact.
“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion’– Paulo Coelho
You were born with a reluctance to change. You resist it. You fear it. You create stories around every impulse to create change in your life. Why? Because you’re human.
You build walls, not to keep other people out, as much as to keep yourself safe within.
As a human you also have this calling to improve your life. You demonstrate this every January when you create New Year’s Resolutions around the changes you want to make in your life. Dreams you want to materialize. Goals that you want to achieve. You work hard to bring them into reality.
The funny thing is that you keep these competing challenges active in your life. You don’t want to change, yet you want your dreams to come into reality. You make it hard work by fighting yourself internally around the changes you earnestly desire to make. You don’t know what is worse, that you try and fail, or that you try and succeed.
How do the doubts show up? You are afraid that you will lose your soul along the journey to success. That you will become too proud; that money will change you into someone you won’t like; that the cost will outweigh the benefits.
You are also just as terrified that you will fail to live your soul’s unique version of success. You compare your journey with all of those that you know. You compete, you judge; You are envious, or you pity their fall from grace. You are full of the dark emotions such as anger, regret, worry, blame, guilt and fear. You have people in your life that threaten your peace of mind and your self-worth. Worst of all you have your own judgmental inner self.
“We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced” – Malala Yousafazi
You may have been given a powerful life purpose, such as Mother Teresa and Malala. You may have been given a small vision and life purpose. No matter how small or powerful your life purpose is, you will come up against obstacles in fulfilling it.
You have made up stories about what has happened in your life since childhood. Those stories will either weaken or strengthen you, depending on how you have cast yourself.
The choice is always within to cast your stone and live up your full potential or hide from your true potential and play small. When you play small you will cast blame your parents, your “ex”, your employer, or your best friend who provided the knife that stabbed you in the back. That way you can create the victimhood that keeps you safely hoarding your “stone” and refusing to allow change to transform you into something powerful beyond measure. To transform you into who you are meant to be to fulfill your divine purpose.
“Just as one drop of water creates countless ripples, so does one gesture of kindness or love change countless lives” – Randi G Fine
Water is an ultimate teacher for you. It changes shape to adapt to its situation.
Steam, fog, a cool refreshing liquid against your skin, a single snowflake, a sheet of ice or a mountain glacier, a hot volcanic pool of water that would be death to enter.
Oceans waters waves kiss the shoreline gently, in a storm it pounds against the rocks wearing them down into small particles that get dragged deep onto the ocean floor. It carves into the earth deep canyons and flows down those same canyons as a beautiful waterfall.
It both gives and takes life. It is neither good or evil, light or dark. It reflects back to you how if you take action with your stone or conversely you have inaction with your stone, still an impact is made on this earth.
In a different way, you can have what they are now terming “Raindrop” moments. This is the disruption of a certain type of business, by new developments that take over in technology.
Think of things such as physical books in print, newspapers, music in CD/Albums, which have become digital. Think of live streaming and all of the options you now have in watching movies and T.V. and the loss of business with cable companies and how it is changing the nature of both entertainment and business.
We can see the future disruptions in the movie and TV industries, changing from having human actors to artificial actors.
We see businesses such as Taxi’s being impacted by new businesses such as Uber.
These are all the results of someone who cast their stone across the water and created a ripple that was felt around the world. They made an impact.
Change happens whether you want it to or not. What water has to teach us is the ability to adapt, to improvise, and to overcome. It teaches you to shift your shape and transform. You have your “stone”, the divine purpose that you are here to achieve. The method of how you are doing so, is within you.
The ability to change, shift your shape, to transform, is what brings you to success. You must be that change that you wish to see in the world. If you think that world hunger is wrong, what are you doing to feed someone? Whatever you have strong beliefs around, what are you individually doing to make that change in your own space in this world?
“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks”– Christopher Hitchens
Be like water and adapt, improvise, overcome, shift your shape (consciousness), transform.
At some point in your journey you will come to a crossroads. You will have to pick a path (without any ability to know), if it will or will not lead you to your destination. You have to ask yourself that unanswerable question, Do I go forwards, backwards, left, right, diagonal?
Steve Jobs asked this question to John Sculley when he was vice president at PepsiCo, before Apple was a household name. “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”
Do not allow anyone’s definition of who you are, including your own, to define who you are. Like water, you can transform into what is needed to travel your own unique path in life.
The important thing is to stay curious, keep looking for open doors, keep asking unanswerable questions. To quiet the mind, and to listen to the soul, which is the source of the unanswerable questions. To go deep within, to visit and learn from the place our of real existence. Promise yourself, to not permit fear of failure or fear of greatness keep you frozen in place.
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle” – Christian D. Larson
That something is divine guidance, trust in it and don’t stop.