Have Faith That Everything Will Work Out For The Best
There is an inner beauty about a girl who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a girl who follows her own path, who isn’t thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is an inner beauty about a girl whose confidence comes from experiences, who knows she can fall, pick herself up and move on – Unknown
I love the last line. When we step outside of our comfort zone, when we take a leap of faith, there are times we fall down. It is part of the process. When a baby starts crawling, then climbing up and walking along the furniture, they display the perfect attitude. They take a step or two, with wobbly legs and almost no balance. They fall on their butts. They may cry. But the next thing you know they are back to trying to take another step.
We tell them “come to moma” and they get the biggest grins on their faces, so excited. They take a wobbly step after wobbly step into the moms arms. This is what walking outside the comfort zone is about. Taking a first step and another, wobbling along the way. Crashing and burning and getting back up until we can walk with perfect balance and ease.
She was unstoppable. not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them – Unknown
No matter how many defeats we encounter, we can recover. We are resilient and we don’t “cry uncle”, we figure out another way around the obstacle and continue on. Along our life journey we can expect that there will be times when we become lost to our purpose and passion in life. We may encounter some sort of addiction problem; we may go through the loss of a spouse or child that sends us off the deep end; we may have severe health issues that make us wonder if we want to continue living; we may encounter mental health issues. What we need to understand is that there isn’t any mistake or issue in our life that we can’t rise up out of.
Strong Woman – you may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it – Maya Angelou
Recovery from anything goes through a process. Good days, bad days. You will sometimes feel all alone and maybe even abandoned by others. The flip side of that feeling is that you are now empowered to help others who are struggling. Your friends and family may not understand what you are going through. Instead of bottling up your struggle or judging them as insensitive, you have the opportunity to try to explain in a million different ways. Sometimes if they haven’t walked in your shoes, it is like trying to explain the fax machine to a two year old. You can explain how it works a million different ways, but they won’t understand. So that has to be ok. Sometimes we just have to accept, “it is what it is” and move onward.
Whenever we begin to feel as if we can no longer go on, hope whispers in our ear to remind us that we are strong – Robert M Hensel
Your problems won’t magically go away, but as you recover they will become more and more manageable. The days of overwhelm will get fewer. As you go through the process of recovery, you will change in many small and large ways. It is hard to see the changes yourself. It is like when you have a 12 month old who is learning how to walk, run, and talk. They are growing like crazy, but we don’t really notice until nothing they have fits. But if you were to go on a trip for two weeks and come back to that toddler, you would immediately see all of the changes in growth and things that they are doing. Others notice the changes faster than we do, because they have the space away from us.
Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion – Unknown
The important thing to remember when we are going through any kind of recovery, is the end result that we are working towards. What we are fighting for. Working out everyday at the gym results in our becoming happier, healthier, stronger, as step by step we are recovering. There may be times in the fight where we miss guarding ourselves and get punched. We may fall to the ground, breathing heavy, wondering if we can get back up. What we have to remember is that as long as we get back up, keep fighting for our wholeness, we have not lost.
Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted. – Unknown
Take the time to breathe. It seems simple, but have you ever we taken a yoga class and been reminded that you are holding your breath and you need to breathe? Or maybe doing something on a machine in the gym and the instructor is reminding you to breathe? There are times were we seem to hold our breath, because something is somewhat painful. There are times when are so excited or angry that we forget to breathe. The proverb of taking 10 deep breaths before speaking or acting comes into play here. When we take really deep full belly breaths it somehow seems to disconnect us from our runaway emotions and allows our brain to reconnect and begin to direct our thoughts.
We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same – Carlos Castenada
If we take those 10 deep full belly breaths right now, you will see what I mean. It will allow you to see some patterns, some logical reasoning comes back into your space and you can see how although the recovery was painful, it does have some wonderful jewels buried right alongside of you. There are some positive things that you have learned about yourself on this journey. Today is the best day to celebrate with gratitude those gifts. Believe in yourself again. Love those around you and most importantly love yourself. Live, Laugh, Love and celebrate life again.