Awaken To Your True Self And Take Flight
Everyone has the perfect gift to give the world – and if each of us is freed up to give the gift that is uniquely ours to give, the world will be in total harmony – Buckminster Fuller
The journey we are all on, individually, has interesting intersections. Places where we have almost identical experiences. Places where we are on the same page at the same time. Wherever we are traveling on the map, someone has been there before us, and someone is just behind us.
We are driven by a hunger to express who we really are, and at the same time, we are like, “wait, wait, I’m not ready”. Our choices reflect our greatest dreams and our deepest fears and insecurities.
Do you remember when you went to a playground or maybe it was at school recess – the first time that you climbed up the ladder of the slide and looked way down to the bottom? It seemed so far below us and really scary.
Maybe you went right back down that ladder too scared to go down the slide.
Or maybe you went down the slide but remained in total control by gripping the sides of the slide so that you just eased yourself down to the bottom very, very slowly.
Or maybe you threw caution to the winds and went down the slide screaming at the top of your lungs and ran as fast as you could to climb back up the ladder and this time to try it backwards.
We as human beings have this amazing capacity to be reborn at breakfast every day and say, “This is a new day. Who will I be?” – Jack Kornfield
- How many things in your life have been like that slide experience?
- How has this pattern showed up in your life?
- Do you blunt your own truth?
- Do you not fully commit to anything in life?
- Do you like to stay in the lines, and play safe with life by staying within your comfort zone?
- Do you avoid pushing boundaries at home, at work, when exercising, in every area of your life?
- Are you setting goals or New Year’s Resolutions that are not really growing you or breaking out or through anything that you did last year, or the year before that . . ., all the way back 5, 10, or 20 years ago?
- Is RISK a dirty four-letter word to your brain?
When you move forward, is it from consulting your own inner guidance, or from following the advice of others? You awaken and become conscious of your purpose in life when you stop looking outside for the answers that can only be found inside of us.
Sit in silence and listen to the soft voice of your heart. To the guidance of your soul. This divine guidance comes to us through the voice of intuition. When we start to live our life from this authentic place, our soul becomes visible.
The more you trust intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, and the happier you become – Gisele Bundchen
Do you move forward without design with “a leap of faith”, like racing down that slide in childhood. Or do you continue to walk down well-worn and well-known paths based on your need to control everything in your life? Like gripping the sides of that slide to control your slide to the bottom.
Do you get vulnerable and put yourself out there, or do you draw back into your quiet safe corner where you can’t be seen or heard? We mistakenly think that when we keep safe, that we are avoiding being hurt.
The truth is when we are not taking that leap of faith, we are suffering a far greater pain. We suffer in life, from not living our purpose. We suffer the regrets of not living a fully lived life. That leap of faith is the road to the happiness. The road to living a life well lived. Of stepping up into transforming not only ourselves, but the world we live in.
Think of people who became “obsessed” with something – Jane Goodell, Mother Teresa. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, all come to my mind. All people that when you hear their name, you think of the “thing” or purpose that gave meaning to their life. Their message comes through loud and clear. You associate their name with the message.
It isn’t only their life that was changed by their following their passion. Their life purpose actually changed the world. They have literally become a living archetype, a soul on fire.
In a world where everyone wears a mask, it’s a privilege to see a soul – Unknown
Watching a candle flame is watching the transformation of fire. It dies down and flames up over and over again. It is constantly changing – it changes directions, it changes height, it changes width – in any one second it is not the same as it was the previous second. It reacts to the slightest breeze in the room.
When we awaken, there is a fire that starts burning within our soul. We awaken to our true nature, as everything that doesn’t belong gets burned away. We start to get glimpses of what our truth is. We see the masks of conditioned behaviors and patterns that need to be removed, as they don’t serve us. Like a mirror we see reflected back to us what is holding us back. We see that the walls that our patterns built to protect us, are in fact keeping us from living to our full potential. When we see life from our soul’s perspective, we see that there are no obstacles, only guidance.
Don’t let life’s challenges harden your heart, let them empower your mind, renew your spirit and strengthen your soul – Babz