Ripples – The Small Changes That Can Have An Enormous Impact
So remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes a universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.
– Stephen Hawking
If every morning we wrote out this simple sentence starter “I have no limitations, so I am going to . . . ,” just imagine what you might accomplish in a year. Everything you do is connected to something. Every choice you make impacts others. You just have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
When you make a difference in someone’s life you make ripples. You’re not only impacting their life, but the lives of everyone they touch. Remember – even the smallest drop of water effects the entire pond. One small act of kindness, makes a world of difference.
– KLove
I was reading a book where the writer was talking about having to make 30 sales calls in a day when he was going door to door selling encyclopedia’s. He in turn used that same concept when he was in business promoting an entertainer. How he would contact different venues to hire his client. He said that if you really did 30 calls you would get mostly “no’s”, but you would also by laws of average get some yes’s. I thought about this concept in regards to failures. What if we said that for every new thing we tried to learn how to do, we expected to have to try 30 times to be successful? What if every failure was celebrated to being that much closer to success?
The universe responds to our inner yearnings by mysteriously bringing people into our life to answer our questions and help quell our conflicts. Every time you follow your intuition, your personal vibration intensifies. This can be likened to turning up the volume on a stereo. The more your personal vibration is intensified, the more you will pull people into your life who carry messages for you. It is a universal law.
– Denise Linn
What kind of difference would it make in your life, if you viewed failure as the path to success? Not just lip service, repeating a mindless mantra – but truly walking down that path. Can you feel the stones under your feet as you are walking? Can you smell the clean scent of the air after it has rained? Can you feel the warmth of the morning sun as it heats up the day? Are your hands touching the flowers as their fragrance is released by the afternoon breeze? When you are in this space of manifestation, that is when the doors of opportunity start showing up in your life. People come into your life and mysteriously provide you with the exact thing that you need as you are walking down this path. You see a book that answers your questions. You dream about something and then the next day you are walking down the street and there it is.
Always be like water. Float in the times of pain or dance like waves along the wind which touches its surface.
– Suntosh Kalwar
Faith is trusting without knowing. When you trust without knowing you make the world alive with possibilities. Creativity comes from curiosity. It is living in the moment. It is not getting overwhelmed by the millions of steps between where you are and where you are going. It is not letting the enormity of your vision scare you into not even starting the journey. Your vision might take you over Niagara Falls in a barrel. It might have you traipsing through the jungle looking for Dr Livingstone. Or climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Going into the ocean depths, deeper than anyone has even gone before.
The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.
– Samreen Zaidi
Our actions have far reaching effects. The shifts we make in our own personal lives, the transformations and changes we implement successfully ripple out into the world. We show what is possible. Our example gives someone else permission to do their own shifts in transformations. They begin to see how they in turn impact the world. A few years ago Oprah had a few shows that talked about kindness. It started with paying for someone’s coffee behind them in line. There were reports of “random acts of kindness” that ran on for hours because each person in turn would do the same for the person behind them.
Every tidal wave begins with a ripple…, make sure the ripples you create in your life are what you want coming back to you; because eventually…, they will return.
– Unknown
I love movies that demonstrate this and I think that is why they end up on everyone’s favorite list. Princess Bride, demonstrates to all of the characters that your actions come back to you. That if you persevere through the hardships it all comes right in the end. The classic heroes journey of the Star Wars Saga; The Butterfly Effect, how every action creates another and another as we chase after what we want in our life. How unforeseen reactions alter our journey time and time again. Groundhog Day, where reliving life over and over finally gets the main character to recognize that he needs to make changes in his own life.
When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. when one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy and before too long they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle.
– Christine Mason Miller
Each of us in born to express our own inner truth. When we live a life congruent with that truth, we are part of the larger plan, the grand design. The more that we seek to expand, to grow into that design, the more we are living out the life God designed for us. Each of us has an inner compass, and when we are living a life that matches our inner values, then that compass is pointing to true north. A life of purpose being fulfilled.
I have accepted fear as a part of life – specifically the fear of change . . . I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back
– Erica Jong
Take a pen in hand. Write out this sentence and complete it – If it weren’t so risky I would try ___________________________. Write this out with five different answers. Now contemplate this list. As they said in the old Mission Impossible series on the tape recorder – Your mission should you choose to accept it is . . . take the first step in making one of those five things happen in your life. Be a ripple that shifts the world.