#Sex_trafficking is the new American Slavery.
“People who are having sex with children are not johns and tricks. They are child rapists and pedophiles, so we should call them what they are” #Jada_Pinkett_Smith. We agree. If all men caught with an underage girls were prosecuted, jailed and labeled as sex offenders, it might make a dent in this horrible exploitation.
Finally some good news with the #FBI rescuing nearly 150 underage sex trafficking victims on Wednesday. The sting included children in Atlanta (which is known as a hub for human trafficking), Cleveland, Denver and Detroit. According to a 2014 study by Urban Institute, some traffickers in Atlanta make more than $32,000 a week.
This was a joint effort with the National Center for #Missing_and_Exploited_Children and local law enforcement. They were able to arrest almost 150 of those involved.
So many of these #children are lured away because they are looking for attention, unhappy in their lives at home and/or school. They are manipulated and exploited and it is heartbreaking for the girls and their families.
I hope that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is successful in getting these girls the help they so badly need to recover from having their childhoods stripped from them.
See more: http://www.cnn.com/…/14/us/sex-trafficking-sting/index.html…
“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone
This quote is WOW! What is so amazing is how much your heart expands, as our children grow up and become parents themselves. I have pieces of my heart walking around in each of them. Words cannot express how much I love my children & grandchildren, and how much I want their worlds to be happy and safe. My heart breaks for JoAnn today as her first mothers day without her child. I pray that her memories bring peace and joy to her heart.