Tag Archives fordream house


Sharon Hull says, “A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose.”

It is never to late to realize your dreams. Your dreams are not an impossibility, otherwise the seed of possibility would never have been planted in you in the first place.

Our dreams may not happen in the exact blueprint that we have in our minds, but then if you were building your dream house, you would find yourself making changes to the plans. You find a perfect fireplace mantle in an antique store, and the whole plan of the living room may now be changed to fit the mantle. What you change is an improvement to what went before.

It is the same with our dreams. When we are changing our dreams, we are improving upon them. As we start building our dream, we implement changes to it to improve upon it, not start a completely different dream, but finding a better way to express it.

The acorn seed grows an oak, however the oak can be changed by the soil it is grown in, by the terrain itself, by how many other oaks are close to it. It can be shaped by its environment, but it is still an oak.

Our dreams will be shaped by our environment, our knowledge, our skills, our abilities – but they are still our dreams of our own individualized possibilities. The seed is planted, all you have to do is tend to it and it will come true for you!