Life, like surfing, is all about wave selection and balance. Never let the best waves in life pass you by. Ride it now before it’s too late –
I believe that your dreams, your true dreams, are given to you at birth. That you are designed to grow and stretch beyond what you think you are capable of.
That you were given heroes journeys to push you to accomplish the dreams. That those dreams are what make you passionate and give you a life of purpose.
I think of people who are adventurers and broke open new journeys you didn’t even know you could go on. People like the Wright Brothers, who pioneered the ability to fly. Pilots like Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart who created and broke records in pioneering flight. Amelia Earhart said, “What do dreams know of boundaries?”
She had true unfaltering determination and pushed her limits. She said, “when you fail, your failure must be but a challenge to others”. I love the concept of my failures actually serving as something positive – to challenge others to succeed in their own dreams.
You don’t get into something to test the waters. You get into things to make waves – Rituals
Every year there are new tech companies that are creating a new cutting-edge business or disrupting an industry. Right now, someone is launching themselves in trying to fulfill a dream they never thought they could accomplish. The really critical thing is to not give up on your dream as being too far beyond your capability to accomplish.
When someone decided one day that they wanted to be a mountain climber, they didn’t just walk out the door and climb a mountain.
It is done step by step, day by day, year by year.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance – Alan Watts
You have to grow and expand your comfort zone again and again. You have to have the trust that you deserve to fulfill the dream. You work hard to get the skills that are necessary to make it happen. You learn to trust yourself and your team.
Change is part of the dance of your life. You learn to trust the dream as it shifts, changes and transforms too.
Sometimes as you are moving towards the dream, it is like driving through fog. All you can see is the next 10 feet in front of you. You travel towards what you see and as you travel, you see farther and farther. You might see what you thought was a mailbox on the side of road shift into something else as you get clearer eyesight.
This is because your brains will take what little you can see or decipher, and basically guess at what you are seeing based on past knowledge. But as you get more clarity by pursuing the dream it seems to shift its shape into something totally different.
It’s not so much that the dream is changing as it is that you are getting a better understanding about what the dream really is. Each problem that you encounter and solve changes you. Each change brings the dream into more clarity.
You begin to realize that there are 50 different ways you can achieve your dream. That your expectations around the dream are what is really changing, not the dream itself. You begin to truly imagine the possibilities of the dream.
The big waves in life might come from outside of you, but the ability to ride them comes from inside of you – from your character strengths – Fatima Doman
Over and over again you can see the concept of “as above, so below”.
The teaching of the tree of your life reaching high into the heavens and deep below the surface with the roots. Life is not lived in one direction only. If you are reaching only for the sky and neglect your roots, the imbalance in your life may create temporary success, but will inevitably fall over. And if you only feed the roots and neglect reaching for the heavens, then you won’t produce anything positive in your life.
I love the concept of “together we are an ocean”. If you are interested, I can help you learn how to create your own personalized dream map, claim your own unique goals of change and transformation; refine them into goal crushing gremlins; and finally, to truly understand what your motivation around those goals is all about.
It’s not just about writing some words on a piece of paper that says in 30 days I will . . . , It’s not just about creating a vision board with pretty pictures of our dream house, vacations, our dream body or $1M in our bank account, and then waiting for the “magic” to draw in what we want in our lives.
You need to brainstorm your way to make your dreams a reality. To map out your detours around your own unique self-sabotaging obstacles, and finally be able to fully implement your plan.
What I know for sure is that you will hit walls of failure, fatigue. At some point you will get that feeling that “Life happens to you”, when it really is happening for you. It will feel like when you are getting hit with a sledgehammer. It helps to have a few tricks up your sleeves to handle those times, so that they just create slowdowns. Just don’t give up and stop completely.
As a kid did you ever play the game Red Light/Green Light? You had someone who called out Red Light for Stop and Green Light for Go. The goal was to reach the finish line first. Let’s change that game just a little.
“No matter how happy someone may seem, they have moments when they question if they can go on. No matter how confident someone may look, there are times when they feel insecure and unsure. And no matter how strong someone may appear, they have days when they feel like they’re falling apart. Never think for a moment you’re alone with your struggles. You’re not a mess. You’re human.” – Lori Deschene
Most of my friends and relatives consider me a very positive person. Someone who can handle whatever life throws my way. A person who will look and look until she finds the silver in the silver lining of the cloud. But there are days when I think that I am not capable of helping myself, let alone others. There are days when I feel like I am not having a positive impact on anyone. There are days when I look at everything I am trying to accomplish with my life and wonder why I am bothering – when it feels like I am working so hard and getting nowhere fast.
“To attract loving and connected relationships, we must first embody the love and connection we seek” – Dr. Debra Reble
Those days will happen to you, no matter how strong you think or others think you are. When they do happen, I have a story that I pull out to remind myself that I am creating ripples, even when I don’t know who those ripples are helping.
A couple of years after my mother had passed away, a friend that used to babysit my kids when they were little and she was a teenager, lost her daughter (a senior in high school) in a bus accident. She was having a really hard time and we were talking about her loss. I really don’t remember what I told her, but I know that it had to do with something I had brought out of the loss of my mom on how to deal with grief and heartbreak.
Years later she was at my mother in-laws funeral and she came up to me to thank me for those words. She remembered them all. They helped her through the dark tunnel of her grief. I had no idea that anything I said could be that impactful. I know that with her own experience, she also was able to give those words to others when they were dealing with overwhelming grief. What I don’t know is how many ripples those words have made, and how many more they will impact.
To be truly happy, you must have connection in your life. First the connection must be to you. To your life purpose. To personal growth. To being the best possible you, that you can be. Self love, self trust, being honest with yourself. Then connection to friends, family, to a mission, vision or cause is vital to live a life that brings you satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness.
It’s also about the way you think about things that are happening – are they happening “to you” or “for you”? Do you look for the silver lining? Do you assign the best possible meanings to what you see and hear around you? Or does that negative mind talk take over and make you feel unwanted?
“Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Things may not be perfect but be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. Live each day like it could be your last” – Joel Osteen
When your only seeing yourself through the lens of your past mistakes, your regrets and failures – you need to remind yourself that you are so much more. There is a beautiful person hiding inside of you that is vulnerable and afraid. Fears of not being worthy, not enough. Fears of being hurt because someone hurt you in the past. Whenever this beauty seeks to emerge you push it back because fear tells you it isn’t safe.
Think of the caterpillar all wrapped up in the chrysalis. He has transformed into a beautiful butterfly. It is time to break open the lining, to unfold the wings to dry, and take flight. But in fear he keeps grabbing the sides of the lining to try and stay hidden. It’s a scary world out there.
All these fears overwhelm him and he tries to hide himself to keep him safe. Yet the real danger is in staying hidden.
Just like this butterfly, you might think that you are providing safety, by hiding behind a mountain of buried pain. It is time to tear down that mountain. To remove every single brick of the walls that you have built up. To put down the suitcase of your past failures and disappointments, and walk burden free into your future. It is time to spread your wings. It is time to fly into the future you are meant to have. Yes there will be new failures as you learn to soar. Remember that you have potential. That you have gifts that enable you to live a life full of possibilities. You can make your dreams a reality. But nothing will happen, until you try.
“Resolutions for the Soul – No more what if’s…, no more wondering what if I tried that, started that, said that, told that person how I really feel, went on that adventure. No more wondering what if. Starting now, we do it, try it, step out, start, take the risk, make the leap. We make a vow to stop living wondering, what if…,?” – Rob Bell
Quit collecting every painful word that has even been spoken to you or about you. Quit putting meaning to thoughtless words and actions of both yourself and others. Since every experience is seen through your minds eye, change your mind and start collecting hope. Start putting the best meaning possible into what you hear. Start viewing your world through the lens of compassion, both for yourself and for others.
When you focus on leading a creative, positive, inspirational life fear is going to raise it’s head. Fear is always triggered when you pursue change. Change is growth and growth is something to be happy about. Do you remember as a child standing against the wall and measuring how tall you were? How you would measure yourself against your friends and family members who were taller than you to see if you had grown to the same height or gotten taller? You couldn’t wait to grow. Instill that same feeling into your own personal growth. Fear hates it when it doesn’t know for absolutely positively how something is going to turn out. Uncertainty is something that fear can’t stand. But you can change your relationship with both fear and uncertainty.
“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self acceptance” – Brene Brown, PHD, LMSW
Never let fears stop you from pursuing your dreams. Don’t let your fears of what might happen, mean that you don’t make anything happen. Come join us for our next Zoom call. Bring all of those creative “hope” juices to the table and let’s see what we can make.
I invite you to join us on June 6th for a purposeful gathering. Our intention is to create moments of life-changing conversation on how to make 2020 the year of achievement.
Chances are that what you’re struggling with, others are too. What life questions you have been asking yourself, others are asking themselves too. Get clear on what you want and how to obtain it. If your 2020 dreams and goals are already stalling, get recharged and refocused. Learn how to pivot to success. Join us for a gathering that no one will forget.
Updated 5/14/2019
Benjamin Franklin has a famous saying,
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes – Benjamin Franklin
I would amend his quote to include change. Change happens whether you want it to or not. It is necessary for growth, and without it there can be no life. A seed is planted, the seeds shell breaks open, and a shoot pushes its way out of the soil. The shoot becomes a thriving plant through continued growth. With the right amount of water, nutrition and sunlight, the plant produces a bountiful harvest.
The seed stepped into its destiny by not remaining dormant in the ground. It did not let fear keep it from cracking the hard protective shell. It pushed itself out of the limitations of the seeds shell. It pushed itself past the fears that resided in the darkness of the soil, thrusting up into the light.
Stepping into your destiny really is the only real, true, authentic way to live. Fear is all that holds you back and holding on to that is really what keeps us stuck in the dark – Unknown
Growth and change can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be. You have a choice in how you react to it, and how it affects you. Change is the law of life. But all change is not growth. That is because change isn’t always forward movement. Sometimes change takes us backward, instead of forward.
Having an open mind is necessary if you don’t want the growth that happens when you change to be painful. This is because if the mind is closed, then you are forever being controlled by the things that the mind refuses to give up. Wisdom is knowing yourself so that you spot your patterns of self-sabotage. Mastering yourself is when you spot the self-sabotage and instead step through the gateway of transformation.
Your vulnerability is a powerful gateway. Stepping into it invites growth, freedom, healing, your greatest love. It is a pathway born from courage, connecting your truth + being true to the magic already living within you – DanielleDoby+Tribe
Think of a baby bird. It is a soupy glob inside the egg. It transforms into a baby bird. If it doesn’t transform, the egg goes bad and never has life. Once it transforms it still needs to peck its way out of the eggshell. If it doesn’t get out of the eggshell it will die. Then once it is out of the eggshell it grows to the point that it needs to use its wings and learn to fly. All are components of constant change and growth. The prize of growth is in the freedom of flight that the mature bird has.
This is a great illustration of change. Some of the changes are beyond the control of the bird. it has no say about changing from the soupy glob and into the baby bird. Instinct has it fight and peck itself out of the shell. The bird could fight against the changes but doing so would lead to its death as it needs to eat to survive. It goes through change and transformation after change and transformation. It has the freedom of flight. It has the wind beneath its wings lifting it up into the sky. The reward is in the fulfillment of its destiny.
Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information, but of unlearning old limits – Alan Cohen
What it comes down to is how the attitude that you have about change and life, speaks to the kind of life you have. The attitude of survival actually fights against change, because your focus is on avoiding what you don’t want. You avoid disease with drugs, you try to avoid war by creating better faster ways of killing your enemies, so that you aren’t killed by them first. Weapons of mutually assured mass destruction.
A different attitude would be to focus on thriving. In thriving you seek out ways to live a happier, healthier way of life. You seek the good things you want in your life, instead of avoiding the bad things you don’t want. You seek to cooperate with others in love and peace, connecting heart to heart. You become pioneers of a better future. Assumptions need to be cleaned out of your thinking process, because they serve as blinders, and you miss vital information.
Be the change you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi
Growth and change are very scary. You will trip and fall and bruise yourself. Others will make fun of you, stating that you can’t change the world (you are a pipe dreamer). They use fear as a powerful motivator to stay where you are. Because they themselves have a lack of self-trust, they will say that you can’t trust others. Because they are themselves bullies, they will say that the bad guys will win, if you don’t act in a forceful way. Since they don’t have a life experience of safety, they will say you won’t be safe until you destroy what the others have. They will say a lot of things, to push you backwards into a cage of fear of loss. They will push you back into the cage of what they falsely call safety.
Goals are what we reach for, but the real prize is how we change to achieve them. I always think of Imagine by John Lennon. What if…. we all really do have infinite potential. What if we really can do anything? What if we can make our dreams come true? What if, changing you, really does change the world?
That is the kind of world I want to live in, and what I find is that the more I create that space inside of me, the more I find others who are doing the same. I really do believe that someday we will be living life in peace, and sharing the world with each other, and the world will really finally be “one”.
Revised 2/01/2019
“Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you have tried and failed in, but with what is still possible to do” – Pope John XXIII
Everyone has dreams. How many times have you said the words, “I thought of that idea, but didn’t know how to accomplish it” – or “that could have been me being rich and famous, I thought of that idea years ago”? I believe that the universe downloads great ideas to many, because most of us will never chase the dream into a reality.
When you are a dream chaser you realize that the person who you are, has just been constructed out of the myths you have told yourself since you were a child. That this person who was created out of ideas, beliefs and images – is not really who you are.
Those myths don’t define you, and they are not who you are deep inside your soul. The dream is your soul’s way of clearing out all of the things that no longer serve you. It draws out of the center of our soul, who we really are.
“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground” – Wilfred Peterson
When you decide to become a dream chaser, it changes your life forever. This is because this decision means that you have decided to become someone different than you have been. You realize that in order to bring your dream into reality, you have to become who the dream is calling you to be.
You need to serenade your dreams. Ranging from a simple love ballad to the romantic symphony. Music that reflects the intensity of your love of the dream you are chasing. You bleed the words of your soul’s poetry onto the page of your dreams. You spill out your heart’s desires, creating a flood of emotions. You float across the dance floor of your dreams, stamping your feet with the intensity of the Paso Doble. You paint out your dreams in swirls across the canvas, blending in the colors of your life as you paint it into existence. As the conductor of the orchestra, with the baton leading the intensity of the music, you create a tapestry of tones and colors across the mind.
“Dreams are valuable commodities. They propel us forward. They give us energy” – John C. Maxwell
All of this art creates the souls wishes from deep inside of you, out onto the world stage. The distance between your dream and reality is bridged by action. Small steps become long distances, when you just keep walking.
Remember the joy of the babies first step? You would hold out your hands and walk backwards one step, to encourage them to take another step. The next thing you know they are running across the room, the yard, and the world. Small steps become long distances, when you just keep walking towards the souls wishes.
What is most needed at this moment, is for all of us to let lose our passions and come alive. Come alive and go out and do what you see needs to be done. Don’t wait for someone else to solve your problems, or your neighborhoods problems or the world’s problems. Come alive and do something. Join an organization to help others; get involved in volunteering, in politics, in raising your hand and saying, “I can do that”.
Refuse to let the fears and nightmares of other people’s lives distort your dreams. Don’t apologize for having dreams. Don’t stop chasing them because others don’t want you to try to bring them into reality.
Once you’ve started chasing your dreams, your spirit won’t let you stop because your dreams excite your spirit. You develop a deep hunger that can’t be satisfied in any other way. It is your road, your dreams, your life.
Don’t follow your dreams; chase them . . . – Kunal Patel
Dreams are all about transforming. When you listen to your soul’s voice, you see your dreams play out in your imagination. Your imagination is the illustrator to the book that your soul has written out on your heart. It is up to you to read the blueprint designs and go out into the world and build them into reality.
Negative people are like termites. If you let them into your dreams, they will destroy what you are building. Don’t let them get in even a first bite. You are far too smart, to let the negativity of your own mind or that of others stand in your way.
Remember that God put that dream into your heart. He whispers to your soul what the next step is to bring it into reality. You just need to listen, believe and go out and do what you can do. God will make sure the right doors open, but you have to step through them.
What are your dreams, visions, your life purpose? Are you on track to bring them into reality and complete them? Have you allowed distractions to sidetrack you? Are you unclear on what your life purpose is or how to bring it into reality?
Updated 11/24/2021
You are probably like me, and you want to be liked and accepted. This internal need that you have to be loved, sometimes causes you to put on a mask of who you think that someone wants you to be. The perfect little girl. The shy teenager. The princess, the joker or the nerd. The smile pasted on your face, that life is wonderful, when inside you are screaming in frustration.
You can see this for example when you go back home for the holidays. You fall into the childhood role or character you have for your family, even if it no longer fits.
“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory” – Jim Carey
It is hard to show up without any masks, but it is vitally important for you to be true to who you are. These masks are the cause of so much unhappiness. You meet someone you like, but if you are both wearing masks, then neither of you is communicating who you really are. So you fall in love with the mask, and not the person. You communicate to the mask, and what the person deep inside is trying to say never gets heard. You create so much drama and trauma to yourself and others that way.
If you just say what you really mean, life gets so much easier. The truth is that you may not be who you want to be yet. But you have come a long way from where you used to be.
It takes great courage to be vulnerable enough to remove the mask. It takes great courage to stick to your values and not allow others to sway you into actions you don’t want to take. It takes great courage to trust others with who you are at a soul level. It takes great courage to be persistent enough to keep removing the masks. So continue remove mask after mask. Burn them up, so that who you show up as the real you.
Embrace your imperfections. Be authentic.
“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we’ll ever do” – Brene’ Brown
What I loved about the main photo for this blog, is that they people in it are being crazy. They are playing at being stupid, silly and weird. But when you look at each face you see that they are also having fun. How many times do you catch your face in the mirror or a reflection on a window and see that kind of happy expression on your face? On others faces that you love?
You need to be who you are and find those happy faces more often. When you let the world’s conflicts and tragedy’s be the things you focus on, you lose that happiness. The news focuses on hyping the negative, and giving you very little of the positive things that happen every day.
You need to celebrate all of the wonderful things that happen in your life and the lives of those you love. Don’t let those who are still sleep walking through their lives stand in the way of your awakening.
Closing with this quote, because “I see you” needs to be something that happens to you and you need to see others.
You need to stop being invisible. You need to let those who are trying to become a better person, know that you see them as a human being deserving of love and respect.
You don’t have to agree with everything that they have done in their life, to still give them love and respect. How many people in nursing homes, living in the street, eating their lunch alone in the café – how many people do you pass by that are not being seen? How many just need a hug, and someone to say, I See You? I SEE YOU!
Updated 1/28/2019
“You are capable of far more than you know. Don’t be afraid to unleash your greatness” – Unknown
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not” – Unknown
“Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve” – J.K. Rowling
“When life gives you something that makes you feel afraid, that’s when life gives you a chance to be brave” – Lupytha Marmin
“There is nothing more beautiful than finding your course as you believe you bob aimlessly in the current. And wouldn’t you know that your path was there all along, waiting for you to knock, waiting for you to become. This path does not belong to your parents, your teachers, your leaders, or your lovers. Your path is your character defining itself more and more every day” – Jodie Foster
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God” – Leo Buscaglia
I discovered that I could survive differences of opinion. In fact, I discovered that I could grow through the differences of opinion. While you all have had different experiences in your lives, there is a core of everyone’s experience that is the same. The differences are what makes the variety that we all need in life.
The fact that difference isn’t a scary thing was a major reveal for me. You are all STRONGER than you think you are. You are all SMARTER than you think you are.
I have a different way of looking at the world. I love to find multiple meanings in words. I think that words are like colors and have these shades of color waiting to be explored. It gives each word depth and height and width.
You also have these hidden sides. You can talk to any astronaut, and they all have a similar story. From the time they were small children their dream was to become an astronaut. So, they worked hard to be a pilot. They may have enlisted in the Air Force or became a stunt pilot. They went to college for science and technology. Anything they could do to fulfill that childhood dream.
When you look at the stories of those who go through fiery experiences in their lives, you see what they learn about themselves and others. It gives new meaning to what humanity is all about.
“Don’t be the reason someone feels insecure. Be the reason someone feels seen, heard, and supported by the whole universe” – Cleo Wade
I am so glad that I take the chance each day to express my thoughts. It helps me to work through the questions in my life. It helps to build resilience in my soul. When I look out at the world it is so filled with fear, lack of trust, and uncertainty. As I express research and study the wisdom of others and then express it out on this page, I believe that you are helping to create a community of souls that are looking to the future with hope. Hope that together we can show the world that it is filled with simply amazing people – and yes that means you!
Your encouragement gives me the confidence each day to express my thoughts, and I hope in turn that I can encourage just one more person each day that life is not only worth living – but that we are all brave enough and strong enough to climb to the tops of mountains and explore the depths of valleys and swim in the oceans.
What are your dreams, visions, your life purpose? Are you on track to bring them into reality and complete them? Have you allowed distractions to sidetrack you? Are you unclear on what your life purpose is or how to bring it into reality?
LemonadeMakers is happy to talk to you about your challenges, to encourage you, and provide inspiration to continue on your individual journey. As we share the lessons of each one’s individual journey, resilience is grown for everyone. Join the conversation and become even more inspired to reach out and pull your dreams into reality.
Shel Silverstein is one of my favorite poets. My kids all read his poems when they were little. This is one of his poems that I wanted to share, because it is now part of my life with my dad.
The Little Boy and Old Man
“Said the little boy, Sometimes I drop my spoon. Said the little old man, I do that too.
The little boy whispered, I wet my pants. I do too, laughed the old man.
Said the little boy, I often cry. The old man nodded, So do I.
But worst of all, said the boy, it seems Grown-ups don’t pay attention to me. And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand. I know what you mean, said the little old man.”
Recently I crossed over from being a daughter to being a parent for my father. Some changes in your life, tear your heart into tiny pieces. 22 years ago, my mom went on to her next adventure. She passed away at 56 yrs old from cancer. I stayed with her and took care of her the last three months of her life. My aunt and my mom’s best friend stayed with me as she needed around the clock care. With them by my side, while I had hard moments, it wasn’t traumatic. I miss her so much with each new family event. My kids graduating high school. college, marriages, and of course grandchildren and now great grandchildren. She missed it all.
It was a family understanding that when my dad retired from work that he would move in with us. And because he had poor heart health, having a triple bypass, he actually retired a little early with disability and came to live with us. At first he had a motorhome that he lived in, so he could keep his independence. We had a motorhome pad, with electricity hook ups and everything. Then came the day he had to move inside, because his health was deteriorating.
Then we purchased a hospital bed because he was having problems breathing at night, with a lot of coughing and this would allow him to raise it up enough that he could comfortably sleep. Then more ups and downs. He acquired a walker because he couldn’t walk more than a few steps before he was out of breath. Then back and forth to hospitals, ER’s, tests and more tests. Changes of medication when they damaged his kidneys. Changes of medications to help his heart failures.
My dad has a phobia around hospitals. An intense fear. He refuses to go, wanting to stabilize himself with drugs at home. So that is very trying as it usually means intense discussions with both me and his cardiac specialists. The drugs have started causing kidney damage and they have to dial back the dosage. I feel horrible that he becomes defeated. He sits in his chair and watches TV all day and I know he has feelings of depression and being defeated by his body. Sometimes I feel like the worst daughter in the world, as I crossed over into being his parent. I am his advocate when he doesn’t or just can’t understand what is happening and why.
There is a moral task of caregiving, and that involves just being there, being with that person and being committed. When there is nothing that can be done, we have to be able to say, “Look, I’m with your in this experience. Right through to the end of it.
Dr. Arthur Kleinman.
Why do I do this? About 52 years ago, my dad married my mom. She had six little girls, all eighteen months apart with a set of twins. My dad has a lot of faults, like all of us. But he also has some amazing qualities. One is that when they got married, we were his daughters. Not his step-daughters. His daughters. Not once in 50 years has the word “step” exited his mouth. I think that many who read this will not understand how important that is to a child. For me, putting the word “step” before me, makes me less than his own child. I know how lucky we were that we were never step children. When my mom died, 22 years ago, we were still his daughters. No words can express this kind of love. Believe me, if you met some of my sisters, you would understand how amazing it is, that he still calls them his daughters – lol.
Of all the lessons I’ve learned through my years of caregiving, the most important is to keep the love connection going. Just tell them that you love them again and again and again. You will never say it too much, ever.
Joan Lunden
It is scary to cross this transition from daughter to parent. It was different from my mom, as I never felt I became her parent, I remained in caregiving mode. It is scary to see that in the near future, he will go on to his next great adventure, leaving all of us behind him. We are both scared right now. What happens when we let our fears get ahold of our mouths? We shout, we get angry, we say hurtful things. But it is just us being scared. Caregiving is hard, but it is also so rewarding. I can remember when I was taking care of my mom, that some of my sisters were absent because it was too hard to watch the lung cancer take away her ability to care for herself. I learned what the true meaning of words like grace, dignity, love, sacrifice really were deep under the surface of the meanings we usually give them. I am again reminded of it now everyday.
To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.
Tia Walker
I wanted to share my story because I know that many of you are doing the same as I am. Day by day watching a loved one fade away. Sometimes with a fight and sometimes with a whimper. It is hard to watch, and harder to experience it happening to oneself. I wanted to say how while all of our experiences are different because of the people involved and other circumstances, I know how hard this is. I know how fulfilling it is one moment and utterly draining the next. But this is still a gift. A gift of grace, love, and all the other virtues.
Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know was even possible.
Tia Walker
You are not alone, even when it feels like it. If you feel overwhelmed, please join a caregiver group, whether online or up front and personal. It helps to share what is going on and they can help you with getting assistance when it is needed. Believe me, it is hard to find help when you don’t even know where to start and what is available. Even the strongest person can have the weakest day of their life and having access to someone who knows and understands what is happening is priceless.
Remember the power of your angels. Remember to be guided by love and take strength in the good memories, when those you care for are having a bad day and giving you waking nightmares. And remember the grace of how those things we can’t change, can change us.
When we are in a state of severe loss, of pain and grief and a darkness of the soul – that is when life is at its hardest to bear.
But if we just take a deep breath, followed by more deep breaths we can walk into the middle of the chaos. It’s messy in the middle, but in the middle we have the space to start working through the story of our loss. And as we walk through the story, we eventually reach the end.
The end is the place of new beginnings. Our life has been forever changed by our tragedy. We must remember in this space of pain, grief, and loss that the new beginning will be waiting for us.
The sun will shine. The stars will shine brightly. New people will come into our lives. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, if we only will open once again to breathe in the love.
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dream of meeting your heart’s destiny – Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Orian Mountain Dreamer is one of my favorite writers. I invite you to read her books, they are small but mighty. The Invitation is what this quote is from. The poem is a wonderful deep dive into important questions that probe who we are and why.
Your words have power. When you hide how you feel, what you think, you are trying to live your life using someone else’s light. You can’t find your way home that way.
May you always be guided by the light that shines forth from within you – solitaryview
Life is always about the meaning that you give to it. If you take a lamp as the analogy, your soul is the light inside the lamp. The things that happen to you are the glass that surrounds the light. That glass doesn’t matter, it is the heart and soul – the light that matters.
You tell yourself stories about the events in your life, to give some meaning to what is happening to you. Some of you are writing horror stories, or stories that leave you drained from your fears and worries.
Others are writing stories about the gifts they have received as they travel through life. The gifts from the wonderful things that have happened to you, as well as the tragic things.
The best way to count your blessings is to look at life through a variety of lenses. To bring things into and out of focus. To look into the depths of your soul to see what the storms dredged up for you to look at. When you sift through it all, you can let go of everything that doesn’t serve you. You can realize the lessons you have been taught. You can keep growing into who you came here to be.
There is a big difference between making something happen and forcing something to happen. Forcing something to happen isn’t natural. It is like forcing yourself into something that doesn’t fit.
Have you ever laid on the bed to force your stomach to be flat so you can get your jeans buttoned and zipped up? Or forced your foot into a shoe that you loved, but doesn’t really fit? You might be able to get the jeans fastened, but it hurts your stomach when you try to sit. You might be able to walk in those shoes for a little while, but eventually you have to take off the shoes because they hurt your feet so badly. The vanity of false beliefs leaving you with blisters isn’t a good way to live.
And I know how broken you are, how heavy you feel, but still, you have to find the light in you. You have to hold on to it with care and never let it go, even if it drags you to the end of the world – r.m. drake
Making something happen is really all about taking small steps to bring into reality what you are dreaming of. It is catching the light of your soul and holding it up into the darkness, so that you can see where to go.
It is taking the voice or dancing lessons because you want to be in theater. It is taking leaps of faith when you don’t know how to do something. It is going for the brass ring as the merry go round flies around and around. It is learning a foreign language for a trip of a lifetime to a foreign land.
It is taking big, medium and small actions, not just dreaming about it. You don’t just sit there doing nothing to make it happen.
Have you ever gone somewhere new and experienced Deja vu? That feeling that what is happening at this moment, has happened before?
Have you ever learned something new, and it was just so natural and easy that you didn’t even need instructions to do it?
For me, it feels like something that I have dreamed about, is now happening in real life. That my mind already knows and sees the connections, like it was programmed into being. I think that when this happens, you need to pay attention. That you are in that moment, doing something that is important, even if your mind doesn’t understand it.
The Words I Speak Are All in Languages I Do Not Speak
And yet, when you get here, you are not given instructions. There are no diagrams about how you are meant to live each day or directions on how to assemble some semblance of happiness. You are not even told what colors to paint your feelings or given a purpose and a reason for your life. You have to make all of it up. You have to make all of it up yourself – Iain S. Thomas, from “I Wrote This for You”
No matter if you are in the first month or the last month of the year, take the time to reflect on what the year so far has been for you. To see the places where life has been a blessing. To see the places where you let your dreams fall by the wayside. Pick them back up. Dust them off. Find within them the things that you are looking for. Go beyond your means to make them come true for you. Draw down deep within the story of them and bring it into reality. Transform the pain and regrets of this year and past years into the blessings and joy of a new year.
The journey of life teaches you that growth happens when the dream is bigger and brighter than you ever thought it could be.
In the pursuit of your dream, you will illuminate your heart, capture your mind, and free your soul from the small box that you held it in.
You will discover that there are hidden maps within your soul. That there are clues and invitations to walk through doors that will open your mind up to things you never dreamed could be true. But you can only make those kinds of discoveries when you listen to your heart.
That is my wish for all of you today. That you listen to your heart; that you hear the whisper of your soul and find the dream that is so big, that you too can grow beyond who you are today and enrich the universe.
When we are clear in heart and mind…, only then shall we find courage to surmount the fear which haunts our world – Albert Einstein
I tend to get an idea of something I need to work on/with. Then it percolates in my brain, and I start attracting thoughts and ideas. The things I read in books or emails, from dreams, and the conversations I have with others. Then one day the brain has gathered enough material to put together a post.
Recently I was reading an email from “Tanya – Sistership Circle” on being a Warrioress (Wonder Woman) Archetype. She talked about how the word Warrioress is given an incorrect meaning for most of us, in that we think of a warrior as being in battle in a war. Not necessarily so.
It is about being courageous enough to welcome failure on the trail of success.
It is about having the strength to blaze the trail, instead of following behind others.
It is about living a life of conviction and,
being able to bounce back with resilience when it doesn’t work out the way you wanted.
It is about cleaning up our vision so that we have clarity, instead of chaos…
It is about taking action and breaking down the patterns of self-sabotage,
that keep you from your brilliant potential.
It is about being humble in the truest sense of the word
(That does not mean disparaging your gifts/talents).
It is about living a life of P’s – Purpose, Passion, Persistence,
and persevering even when the road gets rough.
It is about being independent, AND living with community,
because it takes a village to raise us up (even when we are adults).
There are actual studies that prove when you stand with your feet spread out and your hands on the hips (Wonder Woman Pose) that it actually makes you confident. In June 2012 Amy Cuddy gave one of the most watched Ted talks of all time, “Your body language may shape who you are” in which she states that simply holding this pose for one minute causes your body chemistry and your behavior to change.
Now there is some controversy over her study, but I am of the belief that I can make statistics say whatever I want them to. How many times have you seen studies which contradict each other? Such as bacon (or any other food) is bad for and then another that states it is good for you?
There is no accounting for the belief of the mind healing the body of diseases. So, think positive and get up and stand like a superhero!
Do not wait to find courage, it will find you when you take your first steps forward – Mari Huertas
Confidence will help you to break out of the fears that are holding you back. Every single person reading this post has told someone about something that they want to accomplish.
Speaking for myself, I have had a goal that I have been working towards now for a few years. In fear I keep telling myself that I am not yet ready to do it. I procrastinate, thinking that there is something else I have to learn how to do. Fear of failure keeps me running the never-ending hamster wheel of something I am still missing.
It is like building a bridge across a chasm. You need supports to come up from the bottom of the valley, or from the sides of the ravines. You need wood or stone materials to build with. You need a way to nail, screw or cement the structure together. You might need plans from an engineer. Then people to help you build it. All of this comes together before you even start the structure.
Then there are the financial components that need to be in place to pay for the land you are building on, the materials and the labor to do it. Now with all of these moving parts it can be overwhelming as fear sets in.
Fear of failure or success. Fear of looking foolish. Fear of starting and not being able to complete the structure because of lack of money, materials, or manpower. So many fears creep into you, that you keep making lists and looking for what else you might need.
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading – Lao Tzu
Have you ever noticed that if you look at something more than a second when you are driving down the road, that your vehicle starts to go in that direction? If what you are looking at in life, is not what you want in your life, you need to change direction.
You will end up where you are putting your focus. This is how fear becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy. We are attracting the bad we don’t want to happen, because it is what is filling up our thoughts.
Part of being human is accepting that you are imperfect, you do have flaws, you do have dysfunction in your life. You can, however, take responsibility to do better and be better. You do better when you accept your failures and work on changing those dysfunctions. You do have rough edges in your personality. You can rub others the wrong way.
My family has a habit of teasing everyone, especially friends and family. We tease everyone. And I have taken that teasing a bridge too far. So, it is my responsibility to realize when I have, apologize and make it right. It is my responsibility to be more aware of who and how I tease others. To make sure it never ever crosses over from love to malice (which can happen in a moment of being triggered).
It is your responsibility to determine if your own rough edges need to be sanded down, and if so, to make those changes. It isn’t your responsibility to help someone else sand down their own rough edges.
May your heart be brave, and your soul have courage, while you travel your path to greatness – Amara Honeck
If you have a door that sticks for example, you can do several things: You can push and shove it to open and close it. You can let it warp, bend the hinges, damage the door handle and just let it deteriorate until it no longer functions or falls apart. Or you can fix it.
Maybe it just needs a little planning on the top, bottom or sides where it is rubbing. Maybe it needs a new door handle, or the hinges replaced? Maybe you just need to repair the frame itself. Bottom line is that you can fix it, or let it get worse. Change it or let it be.
Whenever you think that you are in fear, then it is time to awaken your heart.
Whenever you think that you are all alone, it is time to awaken your heart.
When you are in the space of love, it widens out your awareness of life around you. Love helps you to connect every aspect of your life and your purpose. Love awakens and kindles anew your passion for life. For why you are here now in this space and time.
Acting out of love in any situation takes your intentions to the highest heights. You discover in that space of love, the peace and acceptance of what is. You can see clearly the way to act upon your good intentions.
Love roots out fear. Living with a heart, soul, spirit of love you can fully encompass your highest potential. You can be fabulous!
Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley – Theodore Roethke
Everything you see in your life at this moment, is the result of choices you have made. The door in the photo is clearly open, but you can’t really see the steps through it or what lies beyond it. Some of the choices you have made in life, lead you in directions that you didn’t even know were there.
Sometimes behind the waterfall, there is a path into a valley that no one has discovered.
Sometimes we fall through a hole in the ground and discover a buried city.
Sometimes we have a flat tire on a desert road, with no spare tire to change it – and we find a dusty path that leads to a hidden cache of gold.
There is always a choice of following a paved road with lots of signs or walking down a dirt path. To stay safe on the paved road or taking on the risk of the unknown dirt path and seeing for yourself the genius of the universal design for your life.
Or never trying to see what is behind the waterfall in the first place (it is dangerous and you might fall down and hurt yourself); to immediately climb out of that hole you fell into without exploring it (it’s probably full of spiders, snakes, and rats) and ignoring the possibilities of discovery all around you; to stay beside that car on the hot desert road and wait for someone to rescue you (so much more sensible than striking out on your own).
So, stop being so worried about the million and one things that can go wrong. Start instead dreaming about, and getting excited about, what is around the next corner.
Whatever you chose to be the next destination, you should always aim just a little higher. If you are aiming for the lower mountain, you won’t know if you could have climbed the higher one instead.
Don’t put off the higher mountain as your goal, thinking that you need to be realistic, that you need to go in small definable steps. As the saying goes, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land on the stars”. Don’t be afraid to get lost. Even landing among the stars, changes you, your world, and maybe even the whole world.
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path – Buddha
Friends, loved ones, mentors, teachers – they can all set you on what they think is the right path. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong, and sometimes they are “almost” right.
It is up to you to decide what the correct life path is for us, at this point in your life. No matter what path you take in life, no matter where you go or end up, you take a little bit of everyone you know with you.
Have you heard those voices in your head? Your parents, your favorite aunt or uncle, your grandparents, those special friends from school – those voices that make insane comments about what is taking place in front of you?
Mine are these comedian’s talking commentary during a boring office meeting (picture the old men in the balcony from “The Muppets”). My son Sam’s voice comes into play during movies, when they are doing anything military or medical, telling me they are doing it wrong.
I believe that you have at least three careers in your life, and that they can be completely different.
Once I have mastered something, I get bored. When I get bored, I know it is time to start exploring something new to learn, to have a new destination.
I am still walking my life path, the path of learning more about the world, about me, and what new sights are on the horizon. There are times that the path can be a little blurry, because I haven’t yet discovered where the path is taking me. So, I keep walking and I get curious. I know that when the path gets crystal clear, I have a new destination and new life experiences coming into focus.
You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it – Paulo Coelho
This doesn’t mean that I am just sitting on the path waiting for it to define itself. When I sit, it is like stepping off the deep end of the river and just sinking to the bottom.
If I sit, the world tries to define me. To make me fit someone else’s mold, to do the things that they want me to do and be. Then I lose myself, sitting submerged and wondering why I can’t breathe.
I have to take the time, the effort and the work to define the path, so that each step brings the focus sharper and more defined. I have to swim back up to the surface of the river and determine which shoreline I want to step onto.
Sometimes when you are walking down the path, everything goes wrong. A forest fire races through the valley and destroys all of the vegetation. The river overflows its banks and takes out the bridge you were walking across. A 40-car pile-up in the fog totals your car.
You had expectations of where the path should be taking you, and so you were actually sleep walking down the side path. Because of your expectations, that path might have led you to the correct destination, but without the right experiences.
Have you ever seen someone famous implode right after they achieved critical acclaim for their talents? Hollywood, Politics, Musicians – we’ve all seen them reach a pinnacle of success, then drugs, alcohol, sexual exploitation – and down they tumble into scandal.
Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves – Henry David Thoreau
This is due to them not having strong enough roots to support their growth. Somewhere along the path to finding themselves, they didn’t get lost. They missed valuable life experiences that would have grounded their roots. That would have forced them to grow deeper and discover more about who they were.
Because they didn’t have these valuable experiences, they allowed others even with the best intentions, to rescue them from falling on their face. They covered things up. They didn’t let them experience the results of bad choices when they were small failures. So, they just kept being rescued and didn’t learn the life skills of what failure really means.
What you will discover from failure is that sometimes it is the best thing that ever happened to you.
You see new ways to do something, which would never have happened if everything went according to plan. You discover wonderful character traits that were only exposed because you felt you had no other choice than to force yourself to up your game.
My favorite movie scene is from “Facing the Giants” in the death crawl scene. The player goes all of the way down the entire length of the football field, thinking that he is only trying to make it to the 50-yard line. He couldn’t see where he was, and he was crawling with another player on his back.
At first the coach is only trying to get him to the 50-yard line, then he realizes the player has more in him than either of them knew. You are like that player, capable of so much more. It is the difficult parts of life that open up the possibilities of your tasting some of that greatness you have buried deep inside.
So, remember “to keep the mind even” – not letting doubts or over-confidence tilt us.
The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper – W.B. Yeats
Each day is a new adventure in walking your chosen life path. Each day you can walk it in wonder, looking to see what is going to cross your path today.
You can be curious. You can slow down and actually see what is on your right side, your left side, and directly in front of you. Don’t miss the flowers that you’ve never seen in that color or shape before. Look for the squirrels, bunnies, little lizards laying on the warm rock and enjoying the heat of the day. Rest when you are tired. Walk in the moonlight or lay back and count the stars.
This is your life path, your journey. The world is full of friends, lovers, and new brothers and sisters waiting to get to know you. The destinations are fun to get to, to master some aspect of your life. But really, life is lived on the path, during the step-by-step walking, dancing, singing, along the road to the newest destination. So don’t forget to enjoy it.
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As children you believe that your parents are invincible, indestructible, and that they will never let you down. Then the unthinkable happens and they do.
Then when you are older and you think wiser, you fall in love for the first time. As you view this person through rose colored glasses, seeing no faults, but only the perfection of your love, you place them upon a pedestal thinking that they will never hurt you. Then the unimaginable happens, and they break your heart.
It isn’t your parents or your best friend, or your first love that let you down. It is your own expectations, which were unreal. You are broken hearted by your own projections of who who you wanted them to be, which was something that no one could live up to.
“The strongest source of empowerment is that which we find within ourselves” – Brett Blumenthal
What you discover is that it is unfair to put someone else in charge of your life. It is unfair, because each person is responsible for themselves. Handing it off to someone else will only hurt both them and you. When you build your house upon the foundation of your soul, and take it’s direction, then you can add those you love to connect to your souls home. You add your spiritual beliefs, your family, your friends, your career – everything you want in life, but the empowerment that comes from that foundation is what makes everything run.
“I came to believe that my identity goes beyond the outer roles I play. It transcends the ego. I came to understand that there is an Authentic “I” within – an “I AM”, or divine spark within the soul” – Sue Monk Kid
The roles you play, being a wife or husband; being a mother or father; being a son or daughter, being a grandmother or a grandchild – those roles can make you happy, but they are not the source of the happiness. The source of the happiness comes from within. Otherwise you are burdening your happiness on the expectations of those roles, burdening your loved ones unfairly with the responsibility of making you happy. That is dooming yourself to be the perpetrator of a broken family filled with trauma and drama.
“We simply can’t control what comes out of people’s mouths. However, we can control how we feel about what they say” – Scarlett Jones
The same thing is true for your friends and those you work with. You can’t base your happiness on what those around you say or do. Or don’t say or do. Have you ever worked really hard on a project at work, and no one noticed your brilliance? Were you trying to be brilliant to have others laud you, or because you loved exceeding the expectations of others?
I love it when someone notices I did a good job, beat the deadline, came in under budget, etc.., but it needs to be for your own empowerment that you feel good about it. Then if someone else does notice, that is whipping cream on the dessert, good when it is there, but not necessary to be enjoyed as a great dessert.
Have you ever planned a trip with the girlfriends and then were disappointed when others didn’t contribute and left all of the work for you to do? What really caused the unhappiness?
Miscommunication, unrealistic expectations of others? What about if you come from the viewpoint of creating an experience of joy? Being authentic enough to ask for help when you need it, without expectation of how the help shows up. Creating from that place is a gift to yourself and to those others who will be there. It takes all of the drama out of the experience, leaving a space of “WOW” for what is created. It makes you vulnerable to the beauty of what happens next.
Using the analogy of the butterfly. The caterpillar is vulnerable in creating the chrysalis, not knowing how it will all turn out. Knowing that the transformation is necessary, doesn’t make it any easier to do it. The butterfly is vulnerable as it fights to get released from the chrysalis, dry its wings so that it can take flight. It is a beautiful creation that can’t see the brilliance of the colors and designs of its own wings. Putting your own human thoughts into the analogy, this transformation into something new would be terrifying.
“Your authentic self is the source of your brilliance. It’s the universal you – the person you always thought you could be before your fears and beliefs about what is really possible reined in this brilliant reality. Getting in touch with the source of your brilliance and staying connected will make you shine every day. Tapping into your intuition is how you will discover your authentic self and your true brilliance” – Angela Artemis
There is no manual provided when you tap into intuition and transform your life from the ego driven life, to the life of being self-empowered and fueled from within. It is a journey of self-discovery. It is scary and terrifying because you will almost certainly fall and have to get back up many times.
You also have the joy and satisfaction of knowing that it is your own magnificent journey. There is a tunnel that you drive through when you travel to Yosemite National Park. On one side of the tunnel you have beautiful mountains and trees and you think this is what the park is about. Then as you emerge through the tunnel it is like arriving on another planet. While what you saw before the tunnel was beautiful scenery, it pales in comparison to the vista that opens before you as you exit the tunnel.
Discovering your true authentic self and living from that place is like coming out of that tunnel. You thought you were happy before, but it pales in comparison to the true source of happiness when you live from within. Your soul becomes visible to yourself and others. It opens the door to soul to soul connections.
Have you ever met someone and it is like you’ve known them your whole life in 5 minutes? That is a soul to soul connection.
Every day you connect, lose connection and reconnect to that brilliance of your soul’s intuition. You learn to believe in your future self. It is like the beauty of that butterfly taking flight. Miracles take place every day. Tap your true potential. Spread those wings and fly.
As always, LemonadeMakers is here to help if you ever need someone to coach you to your magnificence.