Our feelings and emotions can at times be overwhelming. I remember when my mom passed away, that in the evenings I would get deluged with emotions of missing her, being mad at her for dying, hurting so much that I just crawled into a ball and cried until I couldn’t breathe. Like a person surfing the waves, we can learn to ride these overwhelming emotions. We may crash and fall off our board, but we can choose to get right back on and ride the next wave. To me riding the wave is allowing the emotion to flow right through us, just as the wave reaches the shore and dissipates into nothing. I think the reason that grief or anger can get us stuck in these emotions, is because we don’t allow the emotions to flow through. It then gets caught in a rip tide that we fight until we are exhausted. When we battle or wallow in the emotions, they will keep circling around us, until we are so exhausted that it beats us into the sand. Allowing the emotions to pass through helps us to heal from the hurt. We recover much faster, and we can begin choosing good memories to dwell on. We can progress into appreciation for the time that we had with what we have lost. The truth is that we haven’t really lost anything. People and things come into our lives, serve their purpose or reason for being there, and then move on to the next thing. The important thing is that we had them in our lives for the time they were with us. When we have a bad memory come up, we can just ride the wave to the shore and then consciously allow it to fade into foam. As the last bubble of the foam pops, then it is time to let it go. Then we can consciously decide that we want to raise our vibrations up into higher levels out from the sadness, grief, or anger. We can start attracting good feelings into our space. We always have a choice, even when we think that we don’t. Taking a few deep belly breaths, placing our hands on our heart, and consciously reaching for something that will help us raise our awareness into something positive. I always think of the laughing baby when the dad tears the paper video or cute kittens and puppies, or a favorite song like Pharrell Williams “Happy” song. It’s a great idea to have some images, songs, poems, movies, etc…, in your tool box so that when you need to raise your vibration, you know how to do it quick and easy. As the “Happy” songs says, “happiness is the truth”.
The things that we go through in our lives change us forever.
Erasing what we went through would mean that we also erased the lesson we learned as a result of what happened. We don’t want to lose the lesson.
We want to heal the damage, so that the damage doesn’t control our life. We release the Victim or survivor and become the Victor.