According to Mary Anne’s Radmacher everyone postpones one grand thing or a collection of mighty hopes and dreams. I can attest to the trueness of this. I even used the same excuses and they may sound familiar to you too – “when the kids are grown”, “when things slow down”, “when i get that job, raise or promotion”, and now “when I retire”. Any of those sound familiar to you?
Why do we postpone our lives? What life have we been accidentially living? Why not embrace your dreams and instead begin living with intention? Below is an excerpt from her poem about living with intention:
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard. Laugh. Play with abandon.
Practice wellness.
Continue to learn.
Choose with no regret.
Appreciate your friends.
Lead or follow a leader.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.
If you would dream it – BEGIN it.
If you have an idea – OPEN it.
If there is a longing – ACKNOWLEDGE it
If there is a mission – COMMIT it.
If there is a daring – DO it.
If there is a love – SPEAK it.
If there is a resource – USE it.
If there is abundance – SHARE it.