Thank You For Joining our LemonadeMakers Club

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Welcome sign group of young multi ethnic people holding banner isolated

Welcome To The LemonadeMakers Community!

 meThank you for investing in yourself.  I appreciate your trust in becoming a part of our community.  I hope that you will make yourself at home here, and know that you are always a welcome member of what we call home .

Home is where you laugh, both with, and at each other.  Laughter keeps us humble.

It is where you share your good times, and lean on your friends in your bad times.  Where you talk about your breakthroughs and your breakdowns, and support each other through it all.  With the sharing comes the knowledge that we are all works in progress, and you need to not be so hard on yourself.

You love each other through the chaos of your lives, and you dream of making both your lives and your world a better place.

You will learn about the necessity of transformation in your life, and your world.  You can cheer each of us on, as we take a leap of faith, as your faith in us helps each of us to spread our wings and fly.

Welcome Home!

Hot drinks and Christmas decorations -cozy homeWe will be notifying you by email, of our next monthly event.  You will receive email updates before each monthly event.  We will send one the day before the monthly call and the day of the event, so you won’t miss it.  If life happens and you can’t attend, then you will receive an email with the link to the recording.  As long as you remain a member, you will have access to our recording library, so you can catch up on any calls you miss, and re-listen to your favorites.

Chair by a stone and brick fireplace with a crackling fire. CozyA week or so before the call we will send an email out asking if anyone wants to work with me live for  coaching around transformation.  There will be a link to a calendar with availability for each monthly call for coaching.

If you are interested in receiving some coaching on the call, simply click the link on the calendar and put in your name and email address and a phone number where we can reach you.  We like to have a short conversation before the call so that you are ready for how it will work ( to walk you through how the conference call works, for getting you online at the right time, etc…)

Want even more great content?  Be sure to like our FB page.  We share our blog posts, and we also curate uplifting news articles from around the world.  You can also follow us on Twitter.

If you found us and signed up for the event, without going through our website @, please make sure that you have signed up for our free calendar on our website.  This will put you on our free newsletter, so that you won’t miss any of our LemonadeMakers blog posts.

lemonade makers calendarWe would love for you to share the love of our community with your friends and family.  Please feel free to share this email or tag them on FB to check us out.  If they go to our home page and fill out the contact form, we will gladly send them one of our free 2017 Calendars too!

 If you have any questions, please contact us @ and we will do our very best to help you any way that we can.
