"Sometimes in the waves of change, we find our true direction." ~ Unknown

A wave in the sea is in constant motion.
It comes into the shoreline, and then dissipates on the rocks or the sandy beaches.
It doesn’t stop, as it then pulls itself back to begin a new journey.
A wave is change and transformation in constant action.
When you surf the ocean of life, you cannot touch the same water twice.

The same is true for you.
You live your life surrounded by an ocean of opportunity that is constantly shifting, changing, flowing in and out of your life.
How long are you going to stand on the beach, watching the waves flow in, and back out to sea?
How long before you get yourself and your board back into the ocean and catch a wave?
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” ~Henry David Thoreau
“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ~Joseph Campbell
So the first question to ask yourself is
“Who am I?”

The reason to ask this question is that as humans, we get ourselves stuck in roles. The favorite daughter, the popular cheerleader, the wife, mother, best friend, etc… The misfit, the black sheep of the family, the trouble maker, the one that never fits in, no matter where she goes. The damaged child who becomes the drug addict or alcoholic, or has a never ending string of relationships that all end badly. So many possibilities, for so many roles. But really, if you take off that mask, “who are you?”
Who are we deep inside? When we remove the masks? When we step out of the family (tribal) role we play in our immediate family? When we step out of the person that everyone thinks we are, but we know we are not? When we follow the pain, back to the beginning, “Who are we?”
We need to uncover that person, because that is the beginning of transformation.
"Your life purpose is a part of every dream that you have ever had, or will ever have. It is like a strong current that pulls you away from your comfort zone. It is the wind of change, and it will impact every part of your life. The choice you face is to run with it or from it.."
~ Sheryl Silbaugh
The alchemy of the heart begins with words,whether written on the page or spoken from another wise soul.
The words are keys of transformation to unlock the hearts wisdom.
Your heart takes in the words & contemplates them. They sink down into your soul & germinate into action.
Using the transformational life compass, you start living your life from this place of wisdom. Charting a course that changes not only your life, but your world.
The alchemy of the heart begins with words,whether written on the page or spoken from another wise soul.
The words are keys of transformation to unlock the hearts wisdom.
Your heart takes in the words & contemplates them. They sink down into your soul & germinate into action.
Using the transformational life compass, you start living your life from this place of wisdom. Charting a course that changes not only your life, but your world.
So with a world of oceans to surf, how do you figure out where to start your journey and where you are going for your first destination?

Bethany Hamilton states that “when you get caught in the impact zone, you need to get right back up, because you never know what’s over the next wave.”
So what in your life is like that impact zone? Where are you crashing and falling off your board? In other words, when you say, “This year is going to be the year that I finally change . . , (fill in the blank) how long will it take before you fall off your board, get a stomach full of sea water, and decide to go back to shore and sit it out?
What if this year you tried something different? What if you took out a map, got some keys of transformation to unlock the secrets of lasting change, and then used the transformational life compass to create a degree by degree turning point in your life?
Curiosity - it is the key to transformation. It is the key to the locked door. It is the way to find your way home, your true north leading you to your destiny.

It starts with an awareness, something that catches your attention out of the corner of your eye. You turn to see what it was and it fades away like just like the last bubbles of the wave as it dissipates into the sand.. So you start looking for it everywhere you go, and being curious you start looking for it in unlikely places. It builds a desire in you, and you start asking questions. You begin to learn more about it and recreating your life around what you learn.
Choices – “I wonder why? I wonder what? Every day you have a choice as to how you are leading your life. You can shed old beliefs, practices and ways of living to become something new. There is a balance to be sought in not becoming hypnotized by the “shiny objects”, running from one adventure to another and never completing the needed transformation.
You don’t want to make the mistake of just making surface changes, just hanging around the wave break in the ocean but never turning in towards shore and catching the perfect wave. That is getting caught in the smoke and mirrors of illusion. Your inner self will hide behind the curtains if you allow it. It will create stories to hide the truth of what is occurring, creating illusions of change but without any real impact.
Chances – You need to take chances or leaps of faith in order to keep on the path of self discovery. Taking chances to step outside the box of what we think we know, to what is possible. To paddle out and catch wave after wave, learning how the wave breaks to the shore, to discover and catch the perfect waves of lasting change.
Which leads us to real transformation.
“If you aren’t making waves, you aren’t kicking hard enough”
– Unknown

Ready to swim back into the ocean of discovery and opportunity to discover what transformations are waiting for you?
Ready to be curious and learn how to let go of the patterns that have been holding you back and are no longer serving you?

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