Sneaky Cards

Have you heard of ‪#‎Sneaky_Cards‬ yet? The game was originally developed by a 16 yr old Australian for a contest in 2009, and the fans helped to redevelop the game and it is now being relaunched.

Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to become a ‪#‎Secret_Agent_of_Joy‬. You are given cards in which they tell you to do various ‪#‎random_acts_of_kindness‬. You might be told to give the card to the first person that makes you smile. They then pass the card onward to the next person that makes them smile.

Each person that you pass a card to, becomes a new player in the game. Who knows who you might meet while out having some fun?

If you register the card, their website has the ability to track the card, so you can watch it travel out of your town and across the world.

You can even create your own sneaky card and they may include them in the game.

There is even a download of a free print edition version, if you don’t want to purchase the official game.

Sheryl Silbaugh

I am married with 4 grown children who are all married and currently have 14 grandchildren and two great granddaughters. I work fulltime as a Director at Bank of America and I am the founder of, which is a website and Facebook page dedicated to personal transformation and growth. We all have life's lemons show up in our life, this website helps us to make them into lemonade.