This is the year, that I become the warrior woman that I didn’t think I could be.
This is the year, that every morning begins with a cup of the grandest vision I can imagine.
This is the year that I find the gold inside of me, and don’t try to dilute it.
This is the year that instead of allowing that critical voice inside my head to stop me, I will dust off the kick ass heals and ignore it.
This is the year, that I let the wild and crazy girl go free.
This is the year that no one (not even me), can put out the burning desire that rages deep inside of me.
This is the year that “I am already everything I need”, becomes more than just a saying.
This is the year, that my “will” is stronger than my resistance.
This is the year that I will forgive myself freely, and love myself relentlessly.
This is the year that my life is a living, breathing, screaming, invitation to believe in better things, not only for myself, but for the whole world.