
“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash

Limits box us in and create a prison with bars that we accept as our limits. This is a self made prision of stories that we have accepted as our truth. It is scary because the fear mind creates the fear of failure, of looking stupid, and tells us the bars are real and in place for a reason. We are all far more talented and capable that we can imagine, but we have to be willing to believe and step outside of the bars and test our limits to find them. Test each bar of belief and you will find they are illusions, easy to remove and move past.

Sheryl Silbaugh

I am married with 4 grown children who are all married and currently have 14 grandchildren and two great granddaughters. I work fulltime as a Director at Bank of America and I am the founder of, which is a website and Facebook page dedicated to personal transformation and growth. We all have life's lemons show up in our life, this website helps us to make them into lemonade.