Choose To Live By Your Choices, Not Chance
365 days a year LemonadeMakers posts a blog about something positive and potentially life changing. I write about my own life, the struggles I’ve had and the struggles I am in the middle of. I write about the beliefs I’ve come to adopt. I write a lot about change and transformation.
“You and you alone make the decision as to how you view the experiences in your life and it’s important to know who you are; not to judge, not to focus on your flaws and imperfections, but to discover who you want to be and decide if you’re living by choice or chance” – Live Purposefully Now
It started with my nephews murder and my writing myself out of a dark time. Right now we are all dealing with some aspect of the Covid-19 in our lives as well as the “normal” life lemons that show up for all of us.
“Choice is the most powerful tool we have. Everything boils down to choice. We exist in a field of infinite possibilities. Every choice we make shuts an infinite number of doors and opens an infinite number of doors. At any point we can change the direction of our lives by a simple choice. It is all in our hands, our hearts, and our minds” –
LemonadeMakers just recently hit the milestone of 100,000 likes/follows on our page. In connection with that milestone I asked for some comments about how LemonadeMakers has impacted your lives. Some of you responded and it made us so happy to see that LemonadeMakers was able to have a positive impact for you.
Just three of the many comments received:
- “I started following this page . . , It brought hope, inspiration, power to have control of my life again.”
- “You have encouraged me on many levels. From story to questions, you have made me think and feel. I love that you are constantly improving and sharing the moments in life that seem vulnerable yet they strengthen you.”
- “I have drawn inspiration for the day from many of your posts and have tried to make several of them a habit of my daily practice . . , much to my personal joyfulness (and hopefully, others around me as well).”
“Every morning you have two choices: Continue to sleep with dreams or, Wake up and chase your dreams. The choice is yours . . ,” – Unknown
Commit To Your Dreams!
I invite you to join us on June 6th for a purposeful gathering. Our intention is to create moments of life-changing conversation on how to make 2020 the year of achievement.
Chances are that what you’re struggling with, others are too. What life questions you have been asking yourself, others are asking themselves too. Get clear on what you want and how to obtain it. If your 2020 dreams and goals are already stalling, get recharged and refocused. Learn how to pivot to success. Join us for a gathering that no one will forget.
“Life isn’t always easy. I struggle day to day. But I choose to live life to the fullest and keep reminding myself that I am stronger than anything that stands in my way” – Tanya Masse
I have been thinking about how while we have reached this 100,000 milestone, most of the people who have become fans don’t see our posts. On an average day less than 2,000 people see our posts reflected in their daily feed. I get complaints from both friends, relatives, and fans that Facebook doesn’t show LemonadeMakers on their news feed. LemonadeMakers wants to support you during the struggles of your daily life. In order to support more positivity in your life, here is how you can make sure that Facebook is reflecting LemonadeMakers in your newsfeed.
- If you’re not seeing any LemonadeMaker posts, go to our page and leave likes and comments on a few recent posts.
- Next go to your Facebook page. I’m going to show you how to edit your news feed for your mobile phone, since that is the most common way LemonadeMakers read our posts.
To edit your News Feed preferences on your phone:
- Tap the 3 lines at bottom right corner of the Facebook app.
- Scroll down to Settings & Privacy.
- Tap Settings.
- Scroll way down to News Feed Settings.
- Tap News Feed Preferences.
- Tap Prioritize who you see first
- When you start to scroll down the icons for your friends, family etc. . , a search button will display
- You can simply touch the icon/face and a star button is attached to the photo.
(I suggest at this point you type in LemonadeMakers, because if you are like me you have hundreds of friends and pages you have liked over the years). You are limited to 30 picks for prioritizing who you are seeing first.
Your selections aren’t ranked #1, #2, etc. It is random how it comes up.
Notifications: If you really don’t want to miss LemonadeMakers posts, you can get notified each time we post.
- Click on notifications settings
- Go down the Pages you follow
- You can turn on/off allow notifications
- You can turn on/off to receive it as a Push
- You can turn on/off to receive it as a Email
- You can turn on/off to receive it as a SMS
Please note that we do post more than one post a day, so if notifications annoy you, don’t activate this.
On the Facebook mobile application on the bottom right hand part of the screen is a little bell – if you click on the bell it takes you to all of your notifications. You will see not only a LemonadeMakers notification, but any friend requests, birthdays and people who are asking you to like their pages. That way you can find us really easy if you missed our posts when they popped up.
Hopefully this helps you stay connected with us. Another way to stay connected is our monthly Zoom call. Click in the box below to register. We have a lot of fun conversation. I bring some ideas and everyone has the opportunity to join in the conversation or to just sit back, relax and listen.
“It’s not circumstance. It’s not chance. It’s the choice we make that determines the destiny of life” – RVM
Commit To Your Dreams!
I invite you to join us on June 6th for a purposeful gathering. Our intention is to create moments of life-changing conversation on how to make 2020 the year of achievement.
Chances are that what you’re struggling with, others are too. What life questions you have been asking yourself, others are asking themselves too. Get clear on what you want and how to obtain it. If your 2020 dreams and goals are already stalling, get recharged and refocused. Learn how to pivot to success. Join us for a gathering that no one will forget.