Tag Archives forJourney


In the 1920s, Ernest Hemingway lost a suitcase containing all his manuscripts. Telling poet Ezra Pound, Pound called it a stroke of luck. Pound told him that when he rewrote the stories, he would forget the weak parts & only the best material would reappear. Instead of looking at it as a tragedy, Pound reframed it as a opportunity. Hemingway did rewrite the stories & Pound was right. What tragedy can you reframe?


When we are young we learn how to be a good girl or boy. Were you the perfect child or did you learn how to hide and not attract attention to yourself? Or maybe you became the family jokester? Today take off the mask you wear to be accepted by others and be true to yourself. The mask mutes the real you, whose vibrant color needs to be seen to complete the picture of our world.

My Creed

Adapted from My Creed by Dean Alfange:
I do not choose to be common. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek opportunity, not security. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream, to build, to fail & succeed. I will not trade freedom for a handout. I will never cower before any bully. It is my duty to stand unafraid, to think & act for myself, enjoy the benefits of my creations & to say, “This I have done.”


I remember that experiencing joy is the purpose of my journey. Everyday I evolve and re-create myself to live a life of my deepest dreams and desires.

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