Tag Archives forInspiration


Your attitude is either locking the door or is acting as the key to the door of your success. It’s not what or who you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you’re not.


I bet like me you have been thinking of what you want to happen in 2011. Even though we want to move forward, we sometimes have one foot on the break. Instead close your eyes and imagine that you at the top of a hill on a bicycle. Now push off, lift your legs off the ground, and feel the rush of the wind in your face and that squeal of delight as you gain speed rushing down the hill. Now do that with your goals!


Why do they call it an alarm clock? It makes you think that you are waking up to an emergency, like the house is on fire! Why not rename it an opportunity clock? Think of all of the opportunities you are waking up for! You have the opportunity today to accomplish some of your goals, engage your passion, and just be plain joyous!

Change Myself

In order to change my life, I must change myself. Yesterday’s mistakes do not have the power to determine my today. It’s not about falling down, it’s about getting back up to be and to do what my soul has been coded to accomplish. I have learned my lessons and from that place of luminosity I will shine forth the way for others.

108 Dreams

I have learned in my life that I don’t have to settle for what my heart and soul wants. Create a list today for the 108 dreams that you have, then go out and make them happen. Find that dream partner, that dream job, that dream home. Fill out the list and take it with you always, so that you can add to it, build on it, and be ready to act on it when the opportunities arise.


Are you waiting for ideas to land in your lap, or are you working to expand your skills and following the lead of intuition down the side paths to understand what you need to know for your future? The Wright Bros spent years in fabrication and fine control mechanics before they flew the 1st plane. Without that experience, they couldn’t have hoped to invent the 3-axis control system
that we continue to use in planes today.


If we value ourselves then we need to stop tolerating the things and people that don’t work for us. In order to thrive we need to move out of tolerating our life and into celebrating it. Does your home and work environment inspire you? Are you spending time with people and work that you love? Do they support and inspire you? If not take action & eliminate what you are tolerating. Step into greatness & start celebrating.

New Action

To be different, do different. Growth & change happen when we do things we’ve never done before, there’s an instant internal shift. Expectations, emotions, attitudes & beliefs (about what’s possible for us) change. The internal shift is simply a by-product of a new experience. Of doing something we’ve never done before. Here’s to taking a new action!


Change is not about “fixing” yourself. You are not broken. It is about asking yourself – what do I now want to become? What do I want this life to be about? How can I discover a new truth about life itself? You are creator and creation all in one fantastic package!


Don’t wait on inspiration — because inspiration is waiting on you, right now at
this very moment. Create a vision. Invoke your passion. Ask for a sign.
You will get one.


Will you make the decision to be remarkable? You can’t be anyone else as everyone else is taken – you can only be remarkable when you are 100% yourself. You are 1 of a kind and that is remarkable. You were given great gifts & if you hide them by trying to be someone else, your gifts are missing from our world. So, will you make the decision to shine out who you really are and let us all admire your bright light?


We can turn those places that we now see as being impassible barriers to our happiness into bridges to our greatest accomplishments. Everything we see in a negative way is there to be our teacher. Look back at some of your hardest lessons and you will find that they turned into the bridges; giving you the necessary skills to live a happier life.

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