Tag Archives forInspiration


Words dance on my soul; they lift me up so I can soar without wings; choosing just one is like being told I can only have one dessert off the cart when I want them all.

If you look at the boundaries of your life, you will find that the fence is made of fear. This keeps you from stepping out of your comfort zone. Step out into the world to find the next best expression of you. Say yes to life, to your dreams becoming a reality.

One Day

I have learned that the Lord didn’t do it all in one day, so what makes me think that I can or that if I don’t, I am failing? It’s all about “self love” and telling my inner mean girl to stop being so unrealistic.

First Step

Don’t be a member of the “I am always getting ready to live, but never living” club. Success comes when we begin to pursue it. You don’t have to have all of the answers today. You just need to get a clear idea of your goal. Break it down into parts and start on one part today. Don’t procrastinate. Make it a habit to take some small action each day. Take that first step right now!


Time isn’t money, time is just a resource to make money. Focus on your goals, your action plans and not on how little time you have left to get it done. Surround yourself with positive people and you can achieve your dreams and become weathly without that being your true focus. Remember that true wealth is a combination of mind, body and spirit, not just money. It’s not the destination … it’s the journey.


When we need to make a decision in our lives, we usually choose between this or that. We stop looking when we reach two choices and then we miss out on making the best decision. There are a lot of grays between black and white, put some new shades in your life by going for what you really want, instead of compromising. You deserve better than what you have been settling for.

If I Were Brave

What would you do if the ignored the little voice in your head that says don’t do it, and were brave and went forward? This is a great folk song about being brave. Very inspiring!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipy9bW-P8dE?rel=0&w=560&h=315]


No matter what distressing situation you may now be in, you don’t have to be distressed. It is your choice how to perceive every situation. Forgive yourself and others for the choices that brought this situation into your life and look for the gifts that are present.

Dripping Faucet

When I am not living my life to its fullest and using the gifts that I have, I feel like a dripping faucet. I am not turned on to my highest potential. I don’t want to live life as a drip, I want to live my life being fully used, like a fire hose putting out a raging fire.


As young children we create monsters in our minds that live under the bed. As adults those monsters of fear of rejection, fear of failure, or fear of pain keep us awake and paralyzed from living our lives. Amaze yourself and all those you know today by ignoring the fear and doing it anyway. The worst that can happen is that Edison you learn one more way not to make a lightbulb.

Never Alone

Sometimes we have those days, seemingly forever moments when we feel down and don’t want to continue this life. I hope that everyone of my friends and family know that you are never alone. This song is beautiful and the video is perfect – love you all and know that you are never alone.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pXrMPtCVcE?rel=0&w=420&h=315]


When we allow our self imposed limitations to stop us from living our dreams, it is like being hypnotized on a stage with a magician who has told us that we are trapped in a walled room with no windows or doors. Looking at you walking around the imaginary walls trapped, the audience is amazed that you don’t just walk out of your illusions. So I ask you what false illusions are stopping your from living your dreams?