Tag Archives forInspiration

Wrong Road

Stuck traveling down the wrong road? In a job that has you boxed in on the slow lane? Is it keeping you in 1st gear & not challenging you?
Sometimes it’s not the car; it’s the road the car is on. If you are not using your special gifts and passions with your work, maybe it is time to drive down a new road with curves and steep downhill grades that give your heart an extra beat and challenge you to new growth.


We have disappointments & challenges. We all have experienced (in spite of our best plans) life just falling apart. The real difference is how we handle the storm or in terms of sailing, how we set the sail. If we look at it with the right attitude then we sail through the storm, a little battered but we make it. If we look at it with the wrong attitude, the sky is falling, we sink.


What I couldn’t do yesterday has nothing to do with what I can accomplish today. Learn to love the fear and the limitations, because what is resisted persists. By loving it we can move past the limitations and fears of yesterday and accomplish far more than we think we can today.


Compassion is “come” “pass” “on” – come and pass beyond. I really liked that one, because when we excercise compassion we are allowing whatever is happening to pass beyond us, the water off a ducks back.
Our vibrations consists of the combining of our thoughts, beliefs, interactions and memories. What we are vibrating from determines how much we are receiving from source. One thought can bring us a step higher.


Challenges are just adventures and adventures are those things that seem hard while they are happening, but later they make the best “remember when this happened ….?” stories. The kind of stories that we laugh at and have a great time telling. So remember today when you have a challenge that is frustrating you or seems to hard, that someday this will make a great story and plow through it!


The true moment of awakening is when the dreams that we hold for ourselves match up to the dreams that the universe has for us. At that moment we become wired to win and our dream cannot die.


What about the idea that passions are born with us, and at the same time they are bigger than us? Maybe that is what scares us sometimes – the concept of playing fullout for something that is bigger than you. Kind of like getting into the harness on the zip line and kicking out from the ledge – a little scary, but afterwards you are glowing from the thrill of the ride!


How cool is it when we outgrow a dream and have empowered others to carry it forward!


Integrity is being aligned with right intention and following through on it.


Do you feel that you’re “just making it through your life”? Remember when you were young & you were going to visit your favorite relative – that joyful excitement? Feel that energy sing in your veins? Notice the vibration difference? What can you do to create joyful excitement in your life? I am visioning I am a supergirl. I always wanted to fly, maybe save the day for Batman!

Keep It Simple

Remember KISS (keep it simple, stupid)? Why do we make our challenges so big that we think we need to be rescued? Usually the solution is more simple than we want to believe. Is it because we like the drama of a complicated burden ridden life? Do we crave validation, sympathy and the big rescue? Throw that thinking in the trash & here is to the simple life!

Inspired Action

Self confidence is the result of a successfully survived risk. Your purpose is never complete and there are two kinds of action – obvious action and inspired action – I love inspired action because it floats you up to the next level.