All Posts by Sheryl Silbaugh


“What the caterpillar sees as the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly” – Richard Bach.

This time of the year is a time of endings and reflections on the past year, and planning for our new years goals. Let go of who you think you are, to become who you might be. Step onto your brightest path and make YOUR big dreams a reality!


“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus
When we go through “a dark night of the soul” we find that we have an incredible spirit deep inside that will pull us through. If you are having a rough winter both inside and outside of your life, know that spring is around the corner where your incredible inner beauty will shine out to the world once again.

Virtuoso Performance

This is what we all need to find.
Stephen King once said, ‘Talent renders rehearsal meaningless. When you find something you love you do it until your fingers bleed and your eyes fall out your head…every outing is a virtuoso performance because you as the creator are happy.’

Who You Are

“Every decision you make – every decision – is not a decision about what to do. It’s a decision about who you are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do.” – Neale Donald Walsch


“We are each the parents of our dreams, so we must support them as best we can until they can support themselves.” – Paul and Sarah Edwards
Here’s hoping that all your dreams are supported by both you and all of your friends until they come true for you.


In the 1920s, Ernest Hemingway lost a suitcase containing all his manuscripts. Telling poet Ezra Pound, Pound called it a stroke of luck. Pound told him that when he rewrote the stories, he would forget the weak parts & only the best material would reappear. Instead of looking at it as a tragedy, Pound reframed it as a opportunity. Hemingway did rewrite the stories & Pound was right. What tragedy can you reframe?


“You can’t be prepared for real life, but you can know that real life has already prepared within you all that you need to succeed.” – Guy Finley

All of those “educational” moments and side paths are providing you with all of the knowledge and tools that you need to succeed. Stop telling yourself that you “need” something to accomplish your goals and get into action!


“Your life is always working. You simply say it is not working in the moments that it is not bringing you what you want. Sometimes life brings you what you want, and sometimes it works to keep you from what you think you want until you can mature and grow and see that it isn’t what would have brought you the highest and best, that it wasn’t your next most beneficial step.” – Donald Walsh

Celebrate Life

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to
celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey.

Count your blessings and they start multiplying like rabbits.


“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you
settled for.” – Maureen Dowd.

This is so true, trust that you deserve unconditional love, happiness and success and never settle for less.


“Most people spend their lives running away from something that isn’t after
them.” – Unknown

How much of our life do we worry about things that never happen? For the next week try catching yourself and turning that thought around to something positive instead. You’ll be surprised how often you worry about “what if”. You can retrain your thinking with this simple trick.

Change Myself

In order to change my life, I must change myself. Yesterday’s mistakes do not have the power to determine my today. It’s not about falling down, it’s about getting back up to be and to do what my soul has been coded to accomplish. I have learned my lessons and from that place of luminosity I will shine forth the way for others.

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